warming it. Thus, increased concentration of carbon dioxide may result in a warming
of Earth’s atmosphere and surface.
Water vapor is the most effective greenhouse gas because of its strong absorption
of longwave energy emitted by the surface. A warmer atmosphere can mean more
water vapor in the atmosphere and possibly more clouds.
Clouds and the Greenhouse Effect
Increased concentration of greenhouse gases can lead to a warming of the atmo-
sphere. As the air temperature warms, the relative humidity initially decreases.
Evaporation depends on relative humidity; so, as the atmosphere warms, more
evaporation occurs, which adds more water to the atmosphere and enhances the
greenhouse warming. Earth and atmosphere keep heating up until the energy emitted
balances the amount of sunlight absorbed. But greenhouse gases are not the whole
story of climate change. Clouds have a large impact on the solar and terrestrial
energy gains of the atmosphere. Clouds reflect solar energy and reduce the
amount of solar radia tion reaching the surface, and thus cause a cooling of Earth.
The thicker the cloud, the more energy reflected back to space, and the less solar
energy available to warm the surface and atmosphere below the cloud. By reflecting
solar energy back to space, clouds tend to cool the planet. Clouds are also very good
emitters and absorbers of terrestrial radiation.
Clouds block the emission of longwave radiation to space. Thus, in the longwave,
clouds act to warm the planet, much as greenhouse gases do. To complicate matters,
the altitude of the cloud is important in determining how much they warm the planet.
Cirrus are cold clouds. Thick cirrus therefore emit very little to space because of
their cold temperature, while at the same time cirrus are effective at absorbing the
surface-emitted energy. Thus, with respect to longwave radiation losses to space,
cirrus tend to warm the planet. Stratus also warm the planet but not as much as
cirrus. This is because stratus are low in the atmosphere and have temperatures that
are more similar to the surface than cirrus clouds. Stratus absorb radia tion emitted by
the surface, but they emit similar amounts of terrestrial radiation to space as the
surface. To complicate matters still further, how effective a cloud is at reflecting
sunlight is a function of how large the cloud droplets or cloud ice crystals are.
Figure 29 depicts the dependence of cloud radiative forcing as a function of cloud
temperature and the change in the planetary albedo due to the cloud. Thin, cold
clouds tend to warm the planet while thick, warm clouds tend to cool. The zero line
indicates those clouds that have no net effect on the top of the atmosphere energy
budget. Cold, thick clouds, such as convective systems, have little impact on the
energy budget at the top of the atmosphere.
So clouds can either act to cool or warm the planet, depending on how much of
Earth they cover, how thick they are, how high they are, and how big the cloud
particles are. Measurements indicate that on average, clouds’ reflection of sunlight
dominates the clouds’ g reenhouse warming. Thus, today’s distribution of clouds
tends to cool the planet. But this may not always be the case. As the atmosphere
warms the distribution of cloud amount, cloud altitude, and cloud thickness may all