nimbus capillatus clouds span a wide range of depths, from miniature versions only
about 2 km deep in polar air masses over the oceans, to as much as 20 km in the most
severe thunderstorms in equatorial regions, eastern China in the summer, and the
plains and southeast regions of the United States. If a pronounced flattening of the
top develops into a spread ing anvil then the cloud has achieved the status of a
cumulonimbus capillatus incus (incus meaning ‘‘anvil’’).
Hail or graupel (soft hail) are usually found, if not at the ground, then aloft in
virtually all cumulonimbus clouds that reach above freezing level. Updrafts may
reach tens of meters per second in cumulus and cumu lonimbus clouds, particularly
in warm air masses. These updrafts lead to large amounts of condensation and liquid
water co ntent. Depe nding on how warm the cloud base is, the middle and upper
building portions of deep cumulus clouds might contain 1 to 5 g m
of condensed
water in the form of cloud droplets and raindrops. Supercooled water concentrations
of these magnitudes are sufficient to cause a buildup of about 1 cm or more of ice
buildup on an airframe for every one to two minutes in cloud. Therefore, they are
avoided by aircraft. Cumulonimbus clouds are the only clouds, by definition, that
produce lightning. If lightning is observed, the cloud type producing it is automa-
tically designated a cumulonimbus.
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