corrected for by making observations at more than one wavelength, such as 11, 12,
3.7, and 8.5 mm. Differences between these channels represent the total amount of
water vapor in the column. For example, the 12-mm channel has more absorption and
therefore (BT
7 BT
) is positive; the greater this difference the larger the water
vapor loading of the atmosphere. Observations at these wavelengths are used daily to
derive SST. The SST from satellite observations is typically determined from
a regression derived empirically using observations from drifting buoys.
Remote Sensing of Clouds
Clouds are generally characterized by higher reflectance and lower temperature than
the underlying Earth surface. As such, simple visible and infrared window threshold
approaches offer considerable skill in cloud detection. However, there are many
surface conditions when this characterization of clouds is inappropriate, most nota-
bly over snow and ice. Additionally, some cloud types such as thin cirrus, low stratus
at night, and small cumulus are difficult to detect because of insufficient contrast
with the surface radiance. Cloud edges cause further difficulty since the instrument
field of view will not always be completely cloudy or clear. There are many
different methods of detecting clouds. In this section we review some of the more
common approaches.
The simplest cloud measurement technique is the threshold method in which an
equivalent blackbody temperature or a spectral reflectance threshold is selected that
distinguishes between cloud and noncloud in infrared or visible satellite images.
Information on cloud top temperature is obtained by comparing the observed bright-
ness temperature with an atmospheric temperature profile—this approach usually
underestimates the cloud height. Using a visible or near-infrared reflectance thresh-
old works well for determining clear-sky ocean scenes that are free of sun glint.
Another straightforward approach employs two channels in combination. For
example, the split window technique makes use of observations near 11 and
12 mm to detect clouds over oceans. Cloud classification is accomplished by
considering the 11-mm blackbody temperature and the difference between 11 and
12 mm. Clear scenes have warm temperatures and brightness temperature differences
that are negative, usually less than about 1
. Another simple two-channel tech-
nique uses visible and infrared observations. In this approach observed visible
reflectance and equivalent blackbody temperature are compiled, and observations
are then classified based on their relative brightness and temperature. For example,
clear sky oceans would be warm and dark while convective clouds would be cold
and bright. Classification of the cloud is accomplished by either assigning thresholds
or by employing maximum-likelihood statistical techniques.
Once clear pixels can be determined, these obser vations can be combined with
cloudy observations to derive cloud properties. One such approach is the CO
technique. In this technique a cloud pressure function G(l
, l
, p) is defined as an
expression involving a pair of differences of two column radiances and [I(l
) and
)], one clear and one cloud contaminated with a cloud at pressu re level p
you express the observed column radiances in terms of differences, then the implied