it should be included in calculations of solar absorption, though it overlaps with H
The 4.3-mm band is important more in the infrared region due to the small amount of
solar energy in this band. This 4-mm band is important for remote sensing atmospheric
temperature profiles. CO
absorbs significantly in the 15-mm band from about 12.5 to
16:7 mm (600 to 800 cm
). It is these differences in the shortwave and infrared
properties of CO
(and atmospheric water vapor) that lead to the greenhouse effect.
Water vapor absorbs in the vibrational and rotational bands (ground-state transi-
tions). In terms of radiative transfer through the atmosphere, the important water
vapor absorption bands in the solar spectrum are centered at 0.94, 1.1, 1.38, 1.87,
2.7, and 3:2 mm. In the infrared, H
O has a strong vibrational-absorption band at
6:3 mm. The rotational band extends from approximately 13 mm to 1 mm. In the
region between these two infrared water vapor bands is the continuum, 8 to
13 mm, known as the atmospheric window. The continuum enhances absorption in
the lower regions of the moist tropical atmosphere.
Radiative Heating Rates under Clear Skies
The previous chapter discussed the procedures to calculate radiative fluxes and
heating rates in the atmosphere. In this secti on we discuss examples of radiative
heating and cooling under clear-sky conditions.
Atmospheric radiative heating rates due to absorption of solar energy are given in
Figure 7 for different solar zenith angles and for tropical conditions. As the solar
zenith angle decreases, the total heating of the atmosphere decreases as the solar
energy incident on a horizontal surface at the top of atm osphere decreases. Figure 8
demonstrates the absorption by the individual gases if they existed in the atmosphere
alone. The large heating in the stratosphere is due to absorption of solar energy by
. A minim um in the heating occurs in the upper troposphere. The increased
heating in the lower troposphere is due to water vapor. CO
contributes little to
the solar heating of the atmosphere.
Infrared heating rates are shown in Figure 9 for standard tropical, midlatitude
summer, and subarctic summer conditions. Negative values indicate a cooling. The
larger cooling rates in the lower troposphere for the tropical conditions aris e due to
the warmer temperatures and larger amounts of water vapor. The contribut ions by
, and O
to the cooling in a tropical atmosphere are shown in Figure 10.
In the tropical moist atmosphere, the water vapor continuum (8- to 13-mm region)
makes signifi cant contributions to the cooling to the lowest layers of the atmosphere.
accounts for the large cooling in the stratosphere. The positive radiative heating
rates by O
in the stratosphere arise due to the large amounts of radiation in the
9.6-mm band.
Radiative Heating under Cloudy Conditions
Clouds significantly alter the radiative heating and cooling of the atmosphere and at
Earth’s surface. Clouds also undergo physical changes (e.g., particle size distribu-
tion, water content, and cloud top and base altitude) as they form, grow, and dissi-