Chapter 3
It is obvious that the larger nucleus density, the thinner is the thickness of
the metal film required to isolate the substrate from the solution. At the same
time a thinner surface film will be less coarse than a thicker one. This means
that a smoother and thinner surface film will be obtained at larger deposition
overpotentials and nucleation rates, i.e. by electrodeposition processes
characterized by high cathodic Tafel slopes and low exchange current
It is obvious that the discussion concerning the effect of the value of
exchange current density on the nucleation exclusion zone radius is not
connected to the mechanism of surface film formation but to the mechanism
of nucleation itself and the saturation nucleus number density. Papers
dealing with three-dimensional growth and related phenomena
are mainly
concerned with the determination of the mechanism of the formation of a
surface film and are unimportant from the point of view of the estimation of
the deposit thickness required to isolate a substrate from an electrolyte
solution. For this purpose, the saturation nucleus density, or better to say the
distribution of the distances between nearest neighbours is much more
important. It is obvious that half of the largest distance between nearest
(as illustrated by Fig. 3.15) is the radius to which each grain
must grow to produce a nonporous thin metal film. It is clear that the
distribution of the distances between nearest neighbour crystallites is the
most important dependence in the treatment of the thin metal film formation
on an inert substrate. From the corresponding histograms, as shown by
Milchev et al
, it is possible to estimate the radius of the nucleation
exclusion zones, as well as the maximum distance between nearest
neighbour crystallites, which determines the thickness of a deposit required
to isolate the substrate from the electrolyte solution, as illustrated in Fig.
3.15. If the distance between the nearest neighbour crystallites is smaller
than the grain radius the deposit will overlap resulting in coarse deposit
growth initiation.
Apart from the nucleation density, the preferential orientation of the
nuclei is important in surface metal film formation. As the deposit becomes
free of the influence of the substrate structure on thickening, instead of the
formation of a randomly oriented grain structure, a preferred crystal
orientation can develop, which gives a definite texture to the cross section of
the deposit
. Texture can be expressed in terms of degree of orientation of
the grains constituting the deposit.
It is to note a the theoretical approach to the problems of deposit
orientation was successfully developed by Pangarov et al
. Using this