3. Surface Morphology of Metal Electrodeposits
diffusion of the substance from bulk of solution which maintains a given
surface concentration of the additive. The larger the diffusion flux, the
higher is the steady-state surface concentration of the additive. Conversely,
higher rates of metal deposition cause a lowering of the latter.
There is an optimal range of additive concentration and current density of
deposition at which the differences in inhibition of deposition between the
peaks and recesses, and hence the effect of levelling, are maximal. At too
low surface concentrations of the additive, i.e., low bulk concentration and
high current density of deposition, the process is practically uninhibited and
little difference in the local current density of deposition can arise. This
explains the decrease in the levelling effect with increasing current density.
At somewhat higher bulk concentrations and lower current densities,
linearity exists between the bulk and the surface concentration. This is the
range of maximum difference in inhibition.
However, at still higher concentrations, an adsorption/desorption equilibrium
tends to be approached leading to a Langmuir-type relationship. Eventually, in
spite of incorporation, saturation of the surface is reached and the surface
concentration is no longer sensitive to local changes in the diffusion flux of the
aditives. Hence, differences in inhibition vanish and leveling is lost.
One should appreciate that some time is needed for the diffusion layer to
develop to the extent that it separates from the surface microprofile and provides
for local differences in the diffusion flux of the aditives. Hence, an induction
time should be expected before the leveling effect appears. This is demonstrated
by the observed sensitivity of the process to current interruptions
Quantitative Treatment
made an attempt at a comprehensive quantitative considera-
tion of the problem. He proposed that additives adsorbed to the surface of an
electrode are incorporated into the deposit at a rate proportional to the
surface coverage and current density.
For a sinusoidal profile of the electrode surface, Krichmar
obtained an
exponential decrease of the amplitude, with time:
where is a time constant given by: