Chapter 3
growing grain, as in the case of the formation of cauliflower deposits. The
growth of protrusions in all directions is good proof that the initial stage of
deposition on the grain is under spherical diffusion control, while further
growth takes place in the diffusion layer of the macroelectrode. In less ideal
situations, non-ideal spongy nuclei are formed, which, however, after further
deposition result in a macroelectrode with the same appearance.
It should be noted that some other possible mechanisms of spongy
deposit formation have been considered in a qualitative way, as reviewed in
Refs. 64 and 65, but the mechanism presented above seems to be the most
. However, the mechanism of formation of a spongy deposit over
an initial coating, which is not seen in the case of cadmium but occurs in
zinc deposition
requires clarification. For instance, the mechanism of
spongy growth initiation in this case has not been elucidated.
Dendritic deposits Mathematical Model
Two phenomena seem to distinguish dendritic from carrot-like
1. a certain well-defined critical overpotential value appears to exist
below which dendrites do not grow,
2. dendrites exhibit a highly ordered structure and grow and branch in
well-defined directions. According to Wranglen
, a dendrite is a skeleton of
a monocrystal and consists of a stalk and branches, thereby resembling a
It is known that dendritic growth occurs selectively at three types of
growth sites
1. dendritic growth occurs at screw dislocations. Sword-like dendrites
with pyramidal tips are formed by this process
2. many investigations of the crystallographic properties of dendrites
have reported the existence of twin structures
. In the twinning process, a
so-called indestructible re-entrant groove is formed. Repeated one-
dimensional nucleation in the groove is sufficient to provide for growth
extending in the direction defined by the bisector of the angle between the
twin plants
3. it is a particular feature of a hexagonal close-packed lattice that growth
along a high-index axis does not lead to the formation of low index planes.
Grooves containing planes are perpetuated, and so is the chance for extended
growth by the one-dimensional nucleation mechanism
In all the above cases, the adatoms are incorporated into the lattice by
repeated one-dimensional nucleation. On the other hand deposition to the tip
of screw dislocations can be theoretically considered as deposition to a point;
in the other two cases, the deposition is to a line.