Chapter 2
It is obvious that electrorefining processes are based on electrolysis in
cells with soluble anodes.
Current efficiency
Metal deposition can be accompanied by any other cathodic reaction,
most frequently hydrogen evolution.
This leads to the situation in which metal is deposited but metal
deposition uses only a part, of the total current, I, through the cell. The
current efficiency
indicates which part of the total current is used for the deposition of metals.
It is a very important parameter of an electrodeposition process
Faraday’s law
Faraday’s law relates the quantity of electricity passed through the cell
and the quantity of chemical substances which react on the electrodes. It
states that the mass of metal, m, electrodeposited on the cathode is given by
where / is the total current, t is the deposition time, M is the molar mass of
the deposited metal, is the current efficiency and nF is the number of
Faradays per mole of consumed ions. It follows from Eq. 2.16 that can be
easily determined by measuring the electrodeposited mass of metals and
supplied quantity of electricity
The current density – overpotential relationships Basic equations
The most complete discussion of the current density – overpotential
relationship was given by Bockris
. The approach suitable for use in metal
electrodeposition will be given here.
The general form of current density – overpotential relationship in
electrodeposition of metals for the reaction