Chapter 2
can consider the surface exposed to the solution by each grain as a single-
crystal macrosubstrates. That is, one would have charge transfer followed by
surface diffusion, transfer to steps, then to kinks. etc., and one would also
have rotating addition, however steps, resulting from screw dislocation,
growth spirals, faceting, etc. In addition, however, at the grain boundaries
where the single-crystal microsubstrates meet and the periodic atomic
arrangement of each grain is interrupted, the deposition and growth
processes will be abnormal. But the actual area of an electrode surface
occupied by the grain boundaries is so negligible that the abnormal processes
occurring there can be largely ignored. In conclusion, therefore, the basic
picture of deposition and growth developed for single crystals is valid as a
basis for understanding the electrogrowth of polycrystals
In this chapter some basic definitions, principles and concepts necessary
for understanding of the following chapters have been treated. Assuming that
riders have some electrochemical knowledge, for all necessary questions we
strongly recommends further reading of excellent books of J. O’M Bockris
and A. K.N. Reddy, Modern Electrochemistry.
Bockris, O’M John; Reddy, K.N. Amulya, Modern Electrochemistry, Vol 1, New York:
Plenum Press, 1970.
Bockris, O’M John; Reddy, K.N. Amulya, Modern Electrochemistry, Vol 1, second
edition, New York: Plenum Press, 1998.
Bockris, O’M John; Reddy, K.N. Amulya, Modern Electrochemistry, Vol 2, New York:
Plenum Press, 1970.
Bockris, O’M John; “Electrode kinetics”. In Modern Aspects of electrochemistry, Vol 1,
John O’M Bockris, Brian E. Conway, eds. London, Butterworths, 1954.
Diggle J.W., A.R., Bockris J.O’M. The mechanism of the dendritic
electrocrystallization of zinc. J. Electrochem. Soc. 1969; 116:1503-14
Barton J.L., Bockris J.O’M. The electrolytic growth of dendrites from ionic solutions.
Proc. Roy. Soc. London 1962; A268:485-505
Aleksandar; Popov, Konstantin I., “Transport Controlled Deposition and
Dissolution of Metals.” In Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, Vol. 7, Brian E.
Conway, John O’M. Bockris, eds. New York, NY: Plenum Press, 1972.
Popov, Konstantin I., Miomir, “Electrodeposition of Metal Powder with
Controlled Grain Size and Morphology”. In Modem Aspects of Electrochemistry, Vol.
24, Ralph E. White, John O'M. Bockris, Brian E. Conway, eds., New York, NY, Plenum
Press, 1993.
Popov, K.I., E.R., V., M.G., Morphology of lead
dendrites electrodeposited by square-wave pulsating overpotential, Powder Technology,
1997; 93:55-67.