446 10 Modeling of Electromagnetic and Superconducting Properties of HTSC
determined from its magnetic moment (with the tacit assumption of a single
current loop, shielding the whole sample). It should be noted that, once a
field or current distribution is disturbed, the pattern stays like this even up
to high external magnetic fields.
The observed various flux distributions permit to classify the defects in
HTSC through defect influence on the flux patterns [557]. In all cases, in-
trinsic (crystallographic) defects should be distinguished from extrinsic ones,
which are caused by external influences (i.e., by cracks, scratches, cutting and
(1) To the extended defects of the first type belong the intrinsic defects, such
as twin boundaries [210, 211, 934, 1087, 1088, 1120] and the tilt bound-
aries found in Bi-2212 single crystals, caused by intergrowths of Bi-2223
phase [560]. Moreover, extrinsic defects, such as cracks in the sample sur-
face, which are typical defects for most Bi-2212 single crystals and of
melt-processed YBCO sample [403, 743], and also the defects caused by
inhomogeneous film growth on substrates, containing scratches, belong to
this type. However, the growth steps, observed in many single crystals,
do not influence the current patterns [560]. Grain boundaries also belong
to the extended defects, but they act as channels for easy flux penetra-
tion even at very small external magnetic fields. This separates a sample
magnetically into smaller pieces.
(2) Above-described small obstacles of the second type in HTSC are caused by
small flux droplets, observed in thin films and single crystals, by islands of
the a-axis-oriented growth in the c-axis-oriented films, by small particles
of foreign phases and by extrinsic defects, created owing to irregular cut
or etching of the sample.
The presented classification characterizes all defects found in HTSCs.
However, this approach is only valid for nearly homogeneous, monocrystalline
samples, where a homogeneous flux front will appear in the ideal case. If an in-
ternal granularity is presented in the sample, the flux distribution is disturbed
by the immediate flux penetration along the grain boundaries. Therefore, the
analysis can only be fulfilled for individual grains.
Then, the flux pinning in superconductors with high critical current den-
sity is also found by a dense network of planar crystalline defects. In this
case, there are two essential features of HTSCs, namely (i) the most effective
pinning can be caused by the dense network of planar defects parallel to the
flux lines, however (ii) unlike the case of arbitrary distributed point pins, the
network of planar defects can block or divert the macroscopic current flow,
if the tunneling superconducting current density (j
) through these defects is
smaller than J
, determined by flux pinning. For J
, the pinning struc-
ture can lead to the magnetic granularity, which manifests itself in a drop of
the transport J
due to the appearance of closed current loops within macro-
scopic crystalline grains, where densities of circulating magnetization currents
become larger than J
[171, 557].