I bought the dress and has $10 over.
after - после, в честь
After he had passed his exams, he went home.
The University is named after M.V. Lomonosov.
Distance Education over the World
The distance education over the world has a history more than 100
years long. The very first application was carried out by the University of Lon-
don in 1836. But the method gained popularity after 1970's.
At the moment many countries like China, Australia, England, Russia,
Japan, Spain, the USA and others are using this method, especially in higher
The organizations of distance education programs and their capacities
are getting larger every day. For example, the Open University of England has
more thаn 80 000 students who are taking more than 140 courses per year. This
university has 260 local teaching and 13 regional information centres.
After a series of observations and research work it has been cleared
out that the quality of instruction provided in the programs of distance education
is not worse than that in traditional higher education.
Nothing like age, place, daily activity and the like serve as limiting
factors in open education. Does this mean a compromise in the quality? Cer-
tainly not!
Open education has proved its superiorities to the traditional class-
room education. One of the superiorities is this: open education has found an ef-
fective solution to the problem of qualified teaching staff shortage which is a se-
rious obstacle in traditional classroom education. In open education the best
teachers of the country can be called to cooperate, and the advanced technolo-
gies in mass media can be used. The second superiority is the lowered cost of