ществительным, деепричастием,
придаточным предложением.
He began reading his paper. - Он
начал читать (чтение) газеты.
I like the singing of this actress. -
Мне нравится пение этой артистки.
наречием прилагательным или причастием
I was tired of sitting still in the li-
brary. - Я устал от долгого сиде-
ния в библиотеке. (Я устал от то-
го, что долго сидел в библиотеке).
We greet the early coming of
spring. - Мы приветствуем ран-
ний приход весны.
V. Переведите на русский язык.
1. The heating of water was rapid. 2. In de scribing Moscow we must be-
gin with Red Square. 3. The beginning of the lesson w ill be at 10 o’c loc k. 4.
She knew of his be ing a student. 5. He entered the University at the beginning
of the year. 6. We watched his comings and leavings the room. 7. On coming
home he did not recognise it. It was reconstructed. 8. The writing of letters to
his parents was very difficult for him. 9. He was glad of watching the football
match on TV.
VI. Напишите в две колонки предложения, содержащие герундий и
причастие, и переведите их на русский язык.
1. He introduced a new method of jumping over the rack. (планка)
2. All stadium watched the young man jumping over the rack.
3. On running a long distance he felt very tired.
4. Running a very long distance he thought only how to win.
5. The idea of holding the first Olympic Games was given by Greece.