XII. Подберите по контексту (слов, окружающих данное) эквива-
лентное значение выделенного слова и переведите предложения на
русский язык.
1. As aluminium is light it is w idely used in aviation. 2. There is no light in the
hall as there are no windows in it. 3. The room was light and clean. 4. Why
did they light that old kerosene lamp? 5. What does this word mean? 6. Boil
water by all means. 7. We express percentage by means of the sign %. 8.
Does he own any property? 9. He lived in his own house. 10. He is accus-
tomed to new food. 11. I am interested in new customs. 12. You must go
through the customs. 13. When w ill he c ome back ? 14. The back door was
open. 15. In September we are back at school. 16. The dog has a black spot
on his back . 17. Don’t lean against the back of the chair, sit up.
Does Travel Broaden the Mind?
Spring coming, many people start to travel. People often hear that travel
broadens the mind: if you stay in your own country the whole time, your ideas
remain narrow. If you travel, you see new customs, eat new foods, do new
things, and come home with a broader mind.
But does this always - or usually happen? My friend who lives in England
and had never been anywhere decided to go over to France for a trip. When he
returned, I asked him how he liked it. “Terrible”, was the answer. “I couldn’t get
a nice cup of tea anywhere. Thank goodness, I’m back”. My friend being angry,
I stopped speaking about breakfast and asked him about dinners and suppers.
“Oh, the dinners were all right”, he said. He found a little restaurant, fish and
chips being cooked quite well there. “Sure, not as good as ours. But the break-
fasts were terrible, I had fried eggs and chips but it was quite a business to get
them. They expected me to eat rolls”. He asking them for marmalade, they