Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety 42.3 Operational Organization and Architecture for RMS 743
ity, and are often the only viable means of doing so.
However, they are difficult to design and expensive to
implement, and are therefore limited to critical parts of
the system.
While automation of these functions is obviously
necessary for ensuring the best reactivity of the in-
dustrial production system to failure occurrence, it is
nevertheless true that system stoppage is often per-
formed by the human operator, who must act manually
to put it back into a admissible state. This justifies
the use of supervision and supervisory control and
data-acquisition (SCADA) systems that help human
operators for plant monitoring and decision-making re-
lated to the various corrective actions to beperformed in
order to get back to a normal functioning situation (re-
configuration, management of operating mode). Given
the ever-increasing complexity of industrial processes,
the burden itself tends to become difficult or even im-
possible. For these reasons, much research is aimed at
developing and proposing solutions aimed at assisting
the human operator in the phases of reconfiguration.
42.3.2 Integrated Control, Maintenance,
and Technical Management Systems
Further developments of integrated control and moni-
toring systems have lead European projects in intelli-
gent actuation and measurement [42.37–40] to demon-
strate the benefit of integrating control, maintenance,
and technical management (CMTM) activities [42.41]:
To optimize control activities by exploiting the plant
as efficiently as possible and taking into account
real-time information about process status (device
and function availability) provided by monitoring
and maintenance activities
To optimize the scheduling of the maintenance
activities by taking into account production con-
straints and objectives
To optimize, by technical management based on
validated information, the operation phase by modi-
fying control or maintenance procedures, tools, and
Applying this principle at the shop-floor level of the
production system consists of integrating the opera-
tional activities of the CMM agents responsible for
the plant and its lower-level interfaces with the sys-
tem devices. They are also linked with the business
level of the enterprise (enterprise resource planning,
etc.) for business-to-manufacturing integration issues
(manufacturing execution system (MES)). These oper-
ational activities are based on collaboration between
human stakeholders and technical resources that sup-
port schedule management, quality management, etc.,
but also process management and maintenance manage-
ment, which are more dependent on the e-Connectivity
of the supporting devices.
The expected integrated organization for shop-floor
activities requires that information is made available
for use by all the operational activities (MES or
CMM). In this way, intelligence embedded in field de-
vices (e.g., devices such as actuators, sensors, PLCs
(programmable logic controllers), etc.) and digital com-
munication provide a solution to an informational
representation of the production process as efficiently
as possible: the system provides the right information
at the right time and at the right place. In other words,
the closer the data representation (e.g., in an object-
oriented system) to the physical and material flows, the
better the semantics of its informational representation
for integration purposes (Fig.42.7).
At the shop-floor level, local intelligence (software)
allows distribution of information processing, informa-
tion storage, and communication capabilities in field
devices and adds to their classical roles new services
related to monitoring, validation, evaluation, decision
making, etc., with regard to their own operations (in-
creased degree of autonomy) but also their application
context (increased degree of component interaction).
42.3.3 Remote and e-Maintenance
Modern production equipment (manufactured by
original equipment manufacturers, OEMs) is highly
specialized; for example, a semiconductor manufactur-
ing plant may have over 200 specialized production
stages and over 100 equipment suppliers. In a serial
process of this type, all 200 steps must operate within
specification to produce an operational semiconductor
at the end of the line. This type of process requires
extraordinarily high reliability (and availability) of the
OEM production equipment. When such equipment
must be takenout ofservice, it isnot uncommonto incur
production loss rates of over 100000 $/h, and there-
fore accurate diagnosis and rapid repair of equipment
are essential. Since the year 2000, OEMs have increas-
ingly provided network-capable diagnostic interfaces to
equipment, so that experts do not have to come to the
site to make a diagnosis or repair, but can guide plant
personnel in doing this, and can order and ship parts
overnight. This is often termed e-Diagnostics,andis
crucial to maintaining high availability of production
Part E 42.3