722 Part E Automation Management
tronic modules. Microcomputers, initially responsible
for PID control, communication, etc., now have diag-
nosis functions included. Advanced diagnosis addresses
fault detection, fault isolation, and root analysis. The
early detection of anomalies, either process or device
related, is a key to improving plant availability and re-
ducing production costs.
When smart devices come together with wireless
communication a great cost saving can be achieved.
This infrastructure will be flexible for reconfiguration.
The reconfiguration of existing software for the new
configuration is sometimes very costly and has to be
considered. However, wireless communication eases
the problem of physically inflexible communication in-
In mobile devices wireless connections are manda-
tory. Distributed sensors in a wide area do not need
wireless communication, unless wiring is cost pro-
hibitive. Without cables, cost-intensive wiring plans are
not necessary. The freedom to place wireless sensors
and actuators anywhere in a plant or a building be-
comes limited if the devices need a main power source,
in which case power cables become necessary. It de-
pends on the sensors if they can use internal batteries or
can harvest energy from the environment. Several tech-
nologies for wireless communication are available atthe
market, with different standards and ranges (Fig.41.3).
Cardeira et al. [41.9] discuss the pros and cons of the
available technologies. They conclude that, in spite of
some initial skepticism, wireless communication is im-
posing itself as a complement to wired communication.
Location awareness is a new feature of wireless de-
vices. This feature may have a strong impact on service,
where the physical location of a device is important for
tracking, safety, security, and maintenance.
41.2.2 Programmable Logic Controllers
as Components
for Affordable Automation
Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) canbe regarded
as the classic components of affordable automation. An
affordable application was already reported by Jörgl
and Höld [41.33]. PLCs are meanwhile available with
full capabilities for less than US$100. A PLC can
be defined as a microprocessor-based control device,
with the original purpose of supplementing relay logic.
Early PLCs were only able to perform logical opera-
tions. PLCs can now perform more complex sequential
control algorithms with the increase in microprocessor
performance. They can admit analog inputs and out-
puts. The main difference from other computers is the
special input/output arrangements, which connect the
PLC to smart devices as sensors and actuators. PLCs
read, for example, limit switches, dual-level devices,
temperature indicators, and the positions of complex
positioning systems. On the actuator side, PLCs can
drive any kind of electric motor, pneumatic or hydraulic
cylinders or diaphragms, magnetic relays or solenoids.
The input/output arrangements may be built into a sim-
ple PLC,orthePLC may have external I/O modules
attached to a proprietary computer network that plugs
into the PLC.
PLCs were invented as less expensive replacements
for older automated systems that used hundreds or
thousands of relays. Programmable controllers were
initially adopted by the automotive manufacturing in-
dustry, where software revision replaced rewiring of
hard-wired control panels. The functionality of the PLC
has evolved over the years to include typical relay
control, sophisticated motion control, process control,
distributed control systems, and complex networking.
There are other ways for automating machines, such
as a custom microcontroller-based design, but there are
differences between the two approaches: PLCs contain
everything needed to handle high-power loads, while
a microcontroller would need an electronics engineer
to design power supplies, power modules, etc. Also
a microcontroller-based design would not have the flex-
ibility of in-field programmability of a PLC,whichis
why PLCs are used in production lines. Typically they
are highly customized systems, so the cost of a PLC is
low compared with the cost of contacting a designer for
a specific one-time-only design.
The earliest PLCs expressed all decision-making
logic in simple ladder diagrams (LDs) inspired by elec-
trical connection diagrams. Electricians were quite able
to trace out circuit problems with schematic diagrams
using ladder logic. This was chosen mainly to address
the apprehension of technicians. Today, the line be-
tween a personal computer and a PLC is thinning.
PLCs have connections to personal computers (PCs)
and Windows-based software-programming packages
allow for easy programming and simulation. With the
IEC 61131-3 standard, it is now possible to program
using structured programming languages and logic ele-
mentary operations. A graphical programming notation
called sequential function charts is available on cer-
tain programmable controllers. IEC 61131-3 currently
defines five programming languages for programmable
control systems: function block diagram (FBD), ladder
diagram (LD), structured text (ST; similar to the Pas-
Part E 41.2