964 Part F Industrial Automation
improvements by adopting an integrated RFID and
voice recognition system [55.8,9]. Chang et al. [55.9]
proposed an integrated multilevel conveying device
for an automated order picking system that transfers
articles between two different levels of a multi-
storey building to improve the operational and spa-
tial efficiency of the warehouse system. The system
employs a specially designed device comprised of
a stacker crane, a vehicle-based transporter, and con-
veyor system.
55.2 System Architecture
In the design of a large-scale IAMHS, a well-structured
system reduces the redundancies of functions in differ-
ent modules, unnecessary transactions between mod-
ules, and system errors caused by large and complex
individual functions of these modules. An algorithm
ignoring the system architecture sometimes tends to
create many problems during implementation, mainly
because of the lack of necessary information and dif-
ficulty in interacting with existing systems [55.10].
Examples of this limitation can be found in the liter-
ature. An AGV scheduling algorithm under an FMS
environment determines a sequence of the AGV route
within a certain time horizon, considering the informa-
tion from both the work centers and AGV systems on
a shop floor. However, under this system architecture, it
is very difficult for an AGV controller to take into con-
sideration complex constraints of work centers such as
machine status, processing times, and setup times be-
cause of the long calculation time. Therefore, generally,
job sequencing and scheduling are performed indepen-
dently by the scheduling and dispatching system, which
is then connected to the AGV controller using a se-
quence of protocols. An AGV controller only takes
care of requested transfer commands, which specify
source and destination locations, priorities, and com-
mand trigger times. There is already too much load
on the AGV controller in its original tasks, which in-
clude path planning for a vehicle, job dispatch for
a newly idle vehicle, vehicle dispatch for a new job
requested, error recovery, etc. [55.11]. Therefore, the
developed AGV scheduling algorithm should be mod-
ified based on the structure of the system architecture.
One way to carry out this modification is to break up
the algorithm for different modules in the system struc-
ture. During this break-up process, it is unavoidable
to change the algorithm depending on the availabil-
ity of information to the module, which sometimes
causes significant performance degradation compared
with the original algorithm. As the number of subsys-
tems being used in production and warehouse systems
continues to increase, a well-structured system will be
beneficial for facilitating collaborations between dif-
ferent departments as well as these systems. However,
it is an open challenge to construct a well-designed
system structure that accommodates all the different
types of AMHS regardless of the size of the sys-
tem and the type of business on which the IAMHS is
Various types of system architecture can be used to
design an IAMHS with other application systems, de-
pending on the manufacturing type of the shop floor,
the size of the total system, the number of transactions
per second, etc. Figure 55.3 illustrates a design exam-
ple of the system architecture for the IAMHS presented
in Fig.55.1. The focus of this figure is on software mod-
ularity. Each AMHS has its own controller (the four
controllers at the bottom of Fig. 55.3), which is respon-
sible for its own tasks and communication with the
material management system (MMS), which is a high-
level integrating system that will be explained later in
more detail; for example, an AGV controller addresses
job allocation, path planning, and collision avoidance,
receives a transfer command from the MMS (trans-
fer command B in Fig.55.3), and reports necessary
activities such as vehicle allocation and job comple-
tiontotheMMS so that data are kept for tracking in
the future. Each controller also has to process error-
recovery routines for robustness of the system control.
The MMS manages multiple controllers of different
AMHSs, and has a database server to store all trans-
actions of the subsystems in the IAMHS. It receives
transfer commands or short-term scheduling results of
processing machines from the scheduling module in
a higher-level system in the SCM (transfer command A
in Fig.55.3). In this structure,long-term optimization of
processing machines is responsible for the higher-level
system, and the MMS focuses on efficiencies during
the transportation of unit loads within production and
warehouse facilities. Details of the MMS are explained
in the next section. As shown in Fig.55.3, the higher-
level systems of the
MMS can be a manufacturing
execution system (MES), warehouse management sys-
Part F 55.2