6.4 Controllability of Dynamical Systems 373
Chap. 3. In particular, some of the entries may be fixed or correlated num-
bers having mutual algebraic dependence. This observation has motivated
a number of generalizations and refinements in the structural approach in
control theory (see, e.g., Hayakawa–Hosoe–Hayashi–Ito [106, 107], Yamada–
Luenberger [346]).
In this section we are concerned with a combinatorial characterization of
structural controllability in the spirit of our physical observations in Chap. 3.
In particular, we consider the descriptor system (6.65) in which F , A,andB
are mixed matrices with ground field Q:
F = Q
+ T
,A= Q
+ T
,B= Q
+ T
, (6.71)
such that the set T of the nonvanishing entries of [T
| T
| T
] is alge-
braically independent over Q. This implies that [A − sF | B]=Q(s)+T (s)
is a mixed polynomial matrix. Furthermore, it is assumed that the matrix
Q(s) satisfies the stronger condition for the dimensional consistency.
It should be clear that assuming algebraic independence for T is equiva-
lent to regarding the members of T as independent parameters, and therefore
to considering a family of systems parametrized by those parameters in T .
A particular system in this family having algebraically independent parame-
ter values is controllable if and only if almost all members of the family are
We formulate the above problem in more general terms for a mixed poly-
nomial matrix, following Murota [203]. Let
A(s)=Q(s)+T (s) (6.72)
be an m ×n mixed polynomial matrix of rank m with respect to (K, F ) such
that Q(s) satisfies the stronger assumption
(MP-Q2) Every nonvanishing subdeterminant of Q(s) is a monomial
over K, i.e., of the form αs
with α ∈ K and an integer p.
In view of (6.66) we simply say that A(s)isstructurally controllable if
the mth monic determinantal divisor of A(s) is equal to 1. This condition is
tantamount to saying that the Smith form of A(s), as a polynomial matrix
in s over F , is equal to [I
| O]. We put R =Row(A)andC = Col(A)and
denote the mth monic determinantal divisor of A(s)byd
(s). The roots of
(s) will be called the uncontrollable modes.
We shall derive a necessary and sufficient condition for structural con-
trollability together with an efficient algorithm for testing it. The proposed
algorithm is suitable for practical applications in that it is free from numeri-
cal difficulty of rounding errors and is guaranteed to run in polynomial time
in the size of the control system in question.
The existence of a zero uncontrollable mode is easy to characterize.