If Q is chosen to be positive definite, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the linear
system to be asymptotically stable is that
P is positive definite. Equation (2.57) has a unique
solution for
P if 0≠+
for all i, j, where
are the eigenvalues of the matrix A. Using this
approach, the conditions for a positive definite
P matrix, in terms of the signs of the principal
minors, lead to conditions for stability in terms of the a
coefficients. The stability conditions
which are obtained in this manner are of the same type as obtained from Routh’s criterion (see
Appendix B).
Comments on Certain Terms in Common Use
Dynamic stability
Much confusion has existed regarding the use of the expression “dynamic stability.” Originally
the term was intended to address small-disturbance stability in the presence of excitation (and
possibly governor) control. However, over time the term has been used to address other
phenomena (including large-disturbance (transient) stability in some parts of the world). This led
to the discouragement of further use of the term [12]. There is, however, a more fundamental
reason to exclude the term. The question of stability or instability arises only in dynamic
systems, i.e., in systems where changes can and do occur. Therefore, the word “dynamic” in the
above expression is redundant. If used, it can justifiably refer to any and all types of stability or
instability and, in the absence of a universally agreed upon usage, this is precisely what
happened in the past.
Transient/short-term/long-term stability
The same comment as applied to “dynamic stability” also applies to the term “transient
stability.” The question of stability arises during the transients following a disturbance or
disturbances. If there were no transients there would be no instability. Therefore, the word
“transient” is redundant, and if used the term can logically refer to both large- and small-
disturbance stability. However, unlike “dynamic stability,” this term never caused any confusion
as to its intended meaning. This is probably because it was one of the original terms defined in
power system stability and it has been ingrained in the engineers’ mind. The current thinking
seems to favor the expression “large-disturbance stability” so as to be compatible with the
terminology in related fields [11].
When transient stability was originally defined, large-disturbance stability could be assessed by
observing the system response for a brief period immediately following the disturbance. If the
system was stable during the first swing it could be concluded that the system would be stable in
the long run. As power systems expanded and systems were interconnected it became necessary
to simulate several swings before conclusion about stability or instability could be drawn.
Depending on the disturbance and the extent of system disruption and control actions that
followed the disturbance, sometimes it became necessary to extend the simulation to many
seconds or even minutes of real time. To cover these various lengths of simulations, several new
terms were coined. These are: “short-term stability,” “mid-term stability,” and “long-term
stability.” One purpose of this classification was to identify the modeling and solution
requirement for simulations covering the various time periods [12].
We note that to be considered stable a power system must be stable in the long term. A power
system possessing transient or short-term stability as observed from simulation is not of much
use if it cannot be operated stably on a long term basis. Therefore the use of terms like “short-