Stability of integration methods
The error in the solution at the end of any integration step is some function of the errors incurred
as above during the step, and the error inherited from the beginning of the step. Numerical
stability of the method is concerned with the propagation of error over many successive steps.
An unstable method is one in which the error tends to accumulate so that it eventually "blows
up" and swamps the true solution. The methods that have been most widely used in the power
system problem (e.g., explicit Euler, Runge-Kutta) are not very stable ones, compared with the
more recently used implicit methods.
The less stable an integration method is, the more it is necessary on a given problem to limit the
generation and thus propagation of errors by using high-order (low truncation error) versions of
the method, by converging iteration cycles accurately, by using high-precision arithmetic, and
most of all, by using small step length. In the present power system problem, interface error is a
special hazard which has been given much attention in the design of overall solution schemes.
All these measures tend to increase the overall computing time. The difficulties are exacerbated
if the problem itself is mathematically "stiff", as described below.
Problem stiffness
The problem is stiff if the ratio between the largest and smallest time constants is high. More
precisely, stiffness is measured by the ratio between the largest and smallest eigenvalues of the
linearized system.
On a stiff problem, a relatively unstable integration method will need very small step lengths to
track accurately the rapidly changing components in the system response in order to maintain
truncation (and other) errors at sufficiently low levels. This is the case even when these
components are small magnitude fluctuations (quiescent modes) superimposed on slower varying
responses, and which have very little effect on the solutions of the main variables of interest. On
the other hand, a more stable integration method can tolerate much larger errors per step, because
they are not going to be propagated as much. Hence, it is possible to use larger step lengths
and/or be less concerned to minimize other errors for the same overall accuracy of solution.
The advantages of highly stable methods over weakly stable ones tend to reduce as the problems
to be solved become less stiff. The classical "constant voltage behind transient reactance"
stability model is not stiff at all, unless machine inertias vary widely. Stiffness increases with the
detail of synchronous machine modeling. For instance, subtransient time constants are an order
of magnitude smaller than transient time constants. Particular sources of stiffness are the small
time constants that can be found in excitation control models. It is also important to recognize
that stiffness is not simply identifiable from the physical time constants in the input data. There
is hidden stiffness in the algebraic equations, especially with non-impedance loads.
Specific integration methods
Of the numerous integration methods found in the literature those that have found useful
application to the power system stability problem are described below.
Euler's method
This least accurate low-stability method has been widely used in the past, because of its simple
implementation. The basic application is as follows: