Motor dynamic performance equations derived from a rigorous machine theory will contain time
derivatives of voltages and angles. However, these are internal voltages and angles. Unlike motor
terminal voltages and angles, these are true state variables.
One of the arguments presented in the literature in favor of the Type-two model is that it will serve
as a generic model to predict large disturbance performance of any dynamic load including
induction motor loads. However, the point is being made here that in many situations, the stability
performance of induction motor loads determined from the basic dynamic model will be identical to
that determined from a more detailed model, as shown earlier. When the basic model is not
adequate, such as in some large disturbance situations, a comprehensive analysis employing detailed
modeling of all pertinent system components would be needed. The use of the Type-two model
would then certainly be questionable for the reason stated above.
Corrective Measures for Voltage Stability
Concerns for voltage instability and collapse have prompted utilities to devise effective, efficient
and economic solutions to the problem. Many utilities have either implemented or are actively
considering the implementation of load shedding, capacitor switching, and under-load tap-changer
(LTC) blocking, among other things, as emergency measures to combat voltage stability problems.
However, confusion regarding the viability and effectiveness of these measures under voltage
collapse conditions exists among utility engineers and system operators. Intuitively, one would not
expect a decrease in the bus voltage magnitude when a capacitor is switched on, or some load is
shed, at that bus, under any operating condition.(1) The source of the confusion is the conventional
steady-state analysis of voltage stability and misinterpretation of results obtained from the
conventional power flow model. For example, sensitivity calculations using the formal power flow
Jacobian will show both dV/dP and dV/dQ (or dV/dB) change sign as the operating point moves to
the lower portion of the system PV curve. It is therefore natural to wonder whether load shedding or
capacitor switching under such operating conditions would be a prudent thing to do.
The sensitivity results obtained from the conventional power flow Jacobian are not valid when
applied to operation in the lower portion of the PV curve. This is due to the static, constant MVA
load model generally used in the formulation of the power flow problem. While the static power
flow solutions obtained from such a formulation would be mathematically correct, careful
interpretation is necessary when using the sensitivity results. The difficulty clears up when one
considers the behavior of constant MVA loads in real life. A constant MVA load is not a static load.
As explained earlier, failure to consider the appropriate dynamics of the load may lead to erroneous
and confusing conclusions. When the pertinent dynamics of the loads are taken into account, it can
be shown that, while operating in the lower voltage region, system behavior following capacitor
(1) There could be situations when shedding load would cause voltage collapse. However, this is related to the well
known angle stability problem, not voltage stability. Consider, for example, the case where power is being
transmitted from a remote generating source to a large system over a long transmission line, with some portion of
the load tapped off near the source. If this load is lost, with the generation remaining constant, the transmission line
would have to carry this additional load. If the line is not strong enough, there will be large angle difference between
the generating source and the receiving system and voltages at intermediate points would be depressed. If there are
loads connected at these points, some of that might be shed by undervoltage load shedding. This will aggravate the
problem and could cause voltage collapse.