How would the limits be affected if the load at the intermediate point were of constant
impedance (resistance) type?
Clarification of Certain Issues in Voltage Stability
From the preceding discussions it should be clear that, in the case of a two bus system, for secure
operation the operating point should be on the upper portion of the PV curve (Fig. 4) and well
away from the maximum power point. In this region the derivatives dV
/dP and dV
/dP are
negative, i.e., the receiving-end (or the load bus) voltage decreases as the load is increased, as
determined from the solution of the network equations and depicted in Figure 4. It should be
emphasized that although meeting the above criterion is desirable for secure operation, it may
not have anything to do with voltage stability.
Consider, for example, operation in the lower portion of the PV curve (also known as the nose
curve) shown in Figure 4. The plots would suggest that, at a given power factor, as load is
dropped the voltage would go down farther, or conversely, as load is added the voltage would
increase. If similar curves are plotted at various levels of reactive support at the load bus, they
would suggest that, while operating in the lower portion, addition of reactive support would
cause the voltage to drop. This of course cannot happen in a real system. This confusion
disappears when one considers that the PV curves of Figure 4 (and the corresponding QV curves
for given P) actually represent solutions of the network equations in the equilibrium state (the
steady state solution), and as such they do not tell anything about what would happen if load (P
and/or Q) is added or dropped at a given operating point. The curves show two solutions (one
high voltage and one low voltage) for each load level until the maximum power point is reached
(where the two solutions coalesce) beyond which there is no solution. This means that as the load
is increased the voltage at the high voltage solution will decrease and the voltage at the low
voltage solution will increase. Also note that, although there is no solution beyond the critical
point, in actual operation, depending on the characteristic of the load, load can still be added
without causing voltage instability and collapse, although the demanded load will not be
The misinterpretation of the PV curve (or the nose curve) has been responsible for many of the
misconceptions that still persist today. Even some of the popular definitions of voltage instability
are based on this curve. As an example, consider the following definition found widely in the
A power system is voltage unstable if an increase in reactive power input at any bus of the
system causes a decrease in voltage at that bus.
In reality, voltage can never go down as reactive support is added, except under specific voltage
control, and when that happens the operation is stable as will be shown later.
Analogous to the two bus system where the derivative dV
/dP (or dV
/dP) becomes infinite at
the maximum power point, in large networks the power flow Jacobian becomes singular at the
maximum loading point (the loadability limit) -- the elements of the sensitivity matrix S
(equation (10.30) become indeterminate. Beyond the maximum power point some of the
elements of the matrix change sign. The singularity of the power flow Jacobian has been liberally
used in the literature as an indicator of voltage stability limit, although it has nothing to do with
voltage stability except when a large number of conditions (often unrealistic) are satisfied
simultaneously. Since the singularity of the Jacobian also signifies saddle node (or static)