The materials presented in this work are based on the notes used in courses taught sporadically to
graduate students and practicing engineers over a period of thirty-five years. The objective here
is to present the fundamental materials and concepts in power system stability in a tutorial form
The materials covered were dictated by the need of the course attendees. This is certainly not an
exhaustive treatment of all aspects of the subject found in the literature. Some of the topics
usually found in text books on power system stability are not covered. For example, detailed
descriptions and workings of excitation and governor control systems are not included. However,
the effect of excitation control on stability has been covered in some detail.
Chapter 1 includes some basic material considered important for developing a proper
understanding of the subject. In the days of the extensive use of commercially available large-
scale stability programs, the topics discussed in this chapter might be considered superfluous.
However, a good understanding of the basics not only helps in developing a clearer concept of
the subject, but also allows a quick estimate of what is to be expected from a computer run, thus
enabling a check on the proper working of the program as well as on the correctness and validity
of the data entered.
It will be noted that no mention of “FACTS” has been made anywhere in the book. This is
because the concepts and underlying principles involved in the application of devices e.g., series
and shunt capacitors, phase-shifting transformers, etc., are not new. It is the use of power
electronics, that provides fast and smooth continuous control, that is new. In the future newer
technologies will appear that will provide even better control. The basic principles and concepts
involved in applying these technologies, and the methods of analyses, are discussed throughout
the book. Anyway, it is not clear why a terminology like “FACTS” was adopted in the first
place, when these are really applications of power electronics.
The preparation of the book, especially typing the equations, was tedious and typos are
inevitable. I would be grateful if the readers would report them, and any other problem they
might encounter, to me for future correction. I can be reached at (732) 494 3716 and at
I would like to thank Mr. Rondeep Pal for converting the document into the PDF format, and
providing help in many other ways.
Mrinal K Pal
Edison, New Jersey
June, 2007