2–4; during the Vietnam War, 138–139,
140–144, 145–148, 154, 161, 163–164. See also
counterinsurgency leadership
counterinsurgency leadership: adaptive,
243–244, 257, 260–261, 270, 305n14; in
Afghanistan, 198–200, 205, 210–211; at-
tributes of, 7–13, 24, 30–32, 99, 100–101,
107, 116, 124–125, 131–132, 152–153, 157, 162,
166–167, 220, 223–224, 242, 243, 246–247,
255, 257–258, 259–261, 262, 266–267,
305n13, 305n15; changes in and selection
of, 272–273, 275–276, 329n2; and charisma,
10, 234, 281; and civilian elites, 282–285;
during the Civil War, 16–22, 24–25, 29–32;
and creativity, 9, 260–261; and dedication,
10–11, 259–260; and delegation of authority,
280–281; development of, 265–268; dynam-
ics of, 6; and empathy, 10; experience as
factor in, 12, 279; failures of, 19–20, 39–41,
48–50, 58–59, 68, 69, 81–83, 92–93, 114–115,
130–131, 140, 166, 173–174, 184, 189, 199, 209,
224–225, 254–256, 262, 265, 272–273; and
exibility, 8–9, 260–261; foreign inuence
on development of, 267–268, 272, 275–278;
hierarchical nature of, 5–6; and the Huk
Rebellion, 99–107; importance of, 3–8, 12–
13, 87–88, 126–127, 223–224, 244, 268–274,
285–286, 304n11; improving, 259–261; and
indigenous elites, 282–285; and initiative,
8, 259–260; and integrity, 11, 259–260; and
intelligence collection in Vietnam, 157; in
Iraq, 219–221, 222, 224, 226–228, 231, 234–
237, 239–242, 246–258; and judgment, 9,
260; and lines of authority, 278–280; and
the Malayan Emergency, 113–118, 120–130;
Marines in positions of, 219–220; methods
of, 281–282; and organization, 11, 260; and
personality type as indicator of ability,
262–263, 269–271, 330n4; persuasion as
aspect of, 277–278; and the Philippine
Insurrection, 67–79, 87–88; and political
considerations, 271; during Reconstruction,
35, 36–37, 47–50, 52–54, 60–61; recruitment
of, 261–265; and the Salvadoran Insurgency,
176–178, 180–182, 184, 187–189; seniority
as basis for, 68–69; and shared identity, 12;
and sociability, 10; turnover of, 273–274;
during the Vietnam War, 141–144, 154, 159,
161–162, 166–167, 265–266. See also decen-
tralization of command
Counterinsurgency Leadership Survey, 210,
248, 249, 271–272, 273, 287–301, 324n15,
Cowen, Myron, 98
Crane, Conrad, 248
creativity, 9, 260–261
Cristiani, Alfredo, 184–185, 186–187
Crocker, Ryan, 250
Crook, George, 18
Cuba, 65, 172
D’Aubuisson, Roberto, 178, 180, 183, 185, 275
Davidson, Phillip B., 159
Davies, omas A., 22
Davis, Jeerson, 26
Davis, Stephen W., 236–237
Day, John H. A., 82–83
decentralization of command, 5–6, 261, 271–
272, 280–281; in Afghanistan, 199, 206–207;
in Iraq, 219, 280–281; and the Philippine
Insurrection, 70–71, 87–88; and the Salva-
doran Insurgency, 176; in the Union army,
18, 36; and the Vietnam War, 160, 280–281
dedication, 10–11, 259–260
Dehghanpisheh, Babak, 233
Del Tufo, Vincent, 121, 122
Demby, J. H., 47–48
Democratic Alliance (Philippines), 93
Democratic Party, during Reconstruction,
55–56, 57–58, 59
Dempsey, Martin, 224, 251
Denver, James W., 22
deployment, length of, 274
DePuy, William, 152
DeSaussure, Edward H., 152
Dewey, George, 63, 64
Diamond, Larry, 216
Diem, Ngo Dinh. See Ngo Dinh Diem
Draude, omas V., 152–153
Duarte, José Napoleón, 183–184, 185, 188, 275
Dulles, Allen, 136
Dulles, John Foster, 136
Duong Van Minh, 145
Durbrow, Elbridge, 137, 138, 166, 277
Duryea, Lyman C., 182, 189
DynCorp, 201
Easter Oensive (Vietnam), 163
Economic Development Corps (EDCOR),
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 136
elections, 284–285
Elements of Military Art and Science (Hal-
leck), 20
El Salvador: CIA operations in, 174, 188, 275;
Cuba and Nicaragua as inuences in, 172;
death squads in, 178, 180, 181, 184, 185–186,
187; elections in, 183–184, 185, 188, 284–285;