34. Shennan, Out in the Midday Sun, 320–321; Coates, Suppressing Insurgency, 116–117, 130–131;
Cloake, Tem pler, 212–213, 241, 267 (quotation), 270–271; Clutterbuck, Long, Long War, 83–84.
35. Stubbs,
Hearts and Minds in Guerrilla Warfare, 161; Cloake, Temple r, 246–247.
36. Miller,
Jungle War in Malaya, 91–97; Coates, Suppressing Insurgency, 124–125; Stubbs,
Hearts and Minds in Guerrilla Warfare, 156–157.
37. Peter Dennis and Jerey Gray,
Emergency and Confrontation: Australian Military Opera-
tions in Malaya and Borneo, 1950–1966 (St. Leonards, Australia: Allen and Unwin, 1996), 59–61;
Cloake, Templer, 249–250 (quotation on p. 249); Short, Communist Insurrection in Malaya, 412–
414; Coates, Suppressing Insurgency, 121.
38. Cloake,
Temp le r, 213.
39. Shennan,
Out in the Midday Sun, 319.
40. Barber,
War of the Running Dogs, 180, 199; Cloake, Templer, 267; Stubbs, Hearts and Minds
in Guerrilla Warfare, 143.
41. Miller,
Communist Menace in Malaya, 212; Cloake, Te mple r, 219, 265–269; Coates, Sup-
pressing Insurgency, 116.
42. Shennan,
Out in the Midday Sun, 320.
43. Cloake,
Temp le r, 263–268; Short, Communist Insurrection in Malaya, 342–343.
44. Director of Operations, Malaya,
e Conduct of Anti-Terrorist Operations in Malaya, 3rd
ed. (London: Her Britannic Majesty’s Stationery Oce, 1958).
45. Marston, “Lost and Found in the Jungle,” 98–103; Gregorian, “‘Jungle Bashing’ in Malaya,”
346–353; Tom Pocock, Fighting General: e Public and Private Campaigns of General Sir Wal-
ter Walker (London: Collins, 1973), 88–93; David A. Charters, “From Palestine to Northern Ire-
land: British Adaptation to Low-Intensity Operations,” in David A. Charters and Maurice Tugwell,
eds., Armies in Low-Intensity Conflict: A Comparative Analysis (London: Brassey’s, 1989), 203–
205; Mockaitis, British Counterinsurgency, 183–188; Hew Strachan, “British Counter-Insurgency
from Malaya to Iraq,” RUSI Journal 152 (December 2007), 8–11; Sunderland, Army Operations in
Malaya, 27–30. Even the most celebrated of the manual’s principles, such as the superiority of
small-unit operations to large operations, had been widely circulated and accepted well before
Templer showed up on the scene. Nagl, Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam,
96; Sunderland, Organizing Counterinsurgency in Malaya, 52; Coates, Suppressing Insurgency, 149;
Sunderland, Army Operations in Malaya, 133–134.
46. Gregorian, “‘Jungle Bashing’ in Malaya,” 341–353; Charters, “From Palestine to Northern
Ireland,” 203–205; Marston, “Lost and Found in the Jungle,” 98–103; Mockaitis, British Counterin-
surgency, 183–188; Sunderland, Army Operations in Malaya,
27–30. For the Marine Corps manual,
e U.S. Marine Corps, Small Wars Manual (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Oce,
1940). For changes in Communist tactics, see Henniker, Red Shadow over Malaya, 117–119, 154.
47. Charters, “From Palestine to Northern Ireland,” 204–205, 230–231.
48. Director of Operations, Malaya,
Conduct of Anti-Terrorist Operations in Malaya, chap.
XV, p. 6. See also Mockaitis, British Counterinsurgency, 166.
49. Newsinger,
British Counterinsurgency, 52–53; Clutterbuck, Long, Long War, 80; Barber,
War of the Running Dogs, 150–153; Henniker, Red Shadow over Malaya, 27–28; Mockaitis, British
Counterinsurgency, 166–167; Cloake, Temp le r, 213–214, 243; Coates, Suppressing Insurgency, 114, 119;
Sunderland, Organizing Counterinsurgency in Malaya, 65.
50. Sunderland,
Army Operations in Malaya, 57–58; Dennis and Gray, Emergency and Con-
frontation, 93–155; Pugsley, From Emergency to Confrontation, 101–169; Clutterbuck, Long, Long
War, 86–87; Nagl, Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam, 92.
51. Coates,
Suppressing Insurgency, 161–163.
52. Henniker,
Red Shadow over Malaya, 105.
53. Stubbs,
Hearts and Minds in Guerrilla Warfare, 157, 167–168, 213–214; Cloake, Te mp le r, 279;
Short, Communist Insurrection in Malaya, 402–403; Chin, My Side of History, 268–270; Newsinger,
British Counterinsurgency, 46–53.
54. ompson,
Defeating Communist Insurgency, 40; Coates, Suppressing Insurgency, 69, 89–
91, 124, 132; Clutterbuck, Long, Long War, 80; Chin, My Side of History, 267–268.
55. Coates,
Suppressing Insurgency, 131.
56. Short,
Communist Insurrection in Malaya, 489.
316 Notes to Pages 123–129