Officer (Boston: Houghton Miin, 2005), 315–317; David Rie, “Blueprint for a Mess,” New York
Times Magazine, November 2, 2003; Galbraith, End of Iraq, 111–113.
11. Ricks,
Fiasco, 155 (rst quotation), 167; Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City,
54–55, 67–68; Diamond, Squandered Victory, 36–37 (second quotation), 71.
12. Diamond,
Squandered Victory, 299.
13. Bob Woodward,
State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III (New York: Simon and Schuster,
2006), 249; Diamond, Squandered Victory, 39, 91–94, 115–116, 180–181, 194–196, 289–290, 298–299;
Ricks, Fiasco, 205–211; Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City, 64–65, 91–94; Peter Fos-
ter, “America’s Rebuilding of Iraq Is in Chaos, Say British,” Daily Telegraph, June 17, 2003; Cordes-
man, Iraqi Security Forces, 55–56; Zinsmeister, Dawn over Baghdad, 54–55.
14. Packer,
Assassins’ Gate, 190–198; Gordon and Trainor, Cobra II, 482–484; Ricks, Fiasco,
159–160; West, Strongest Tribe, 7.
15. James Fallows,
Blind into Baghdad: America’s War in Iraq (New York: Vintage Books,
2006), 160–161; Packer, Assassins’ Gate, 193–195, 240; Gordon and Trainor, Cobra II, 479–485;
Ilene R. Prusher, “US Antiguerrilla Campaign Draws Iraqi Ire,” Christian Science Monitor, June 16,
2003; Bing West, “American Military Performance in Iraq,” Military Review 86 (September–Octo-
ber 2006), 3; West, Strongest Tribe, 8–9, 13–17; Mansoor, Baghdad at Sunrise, 108; Travis Patriquin,
“Using Occam’s Razor to Connect the Dots: e Ba’ath Party and the Insurgency in Tal Afar,” Mili-
tary Review 87 (January–February 2007), 20–24; Cordesman, Iraqi Security Forces, 11–14, 61. e
Counterinsurgency Leadership Survey, taken in 2008, found that 73 percent of American veterans
of Iraq agreed, and only 8 percent disagreed, that the Iraqi security forces would have been much
better by that time had the United States not purged the supporters of Saddam Hussein’s regime.
Appendix, question 11.
16. Allawi,
Occupation of Iraq, 162 (rst quotation), 361–368; Hannah Allam, “Audit: Fraud
Drained $1 Billion from Iraq’s Defense Eorts,” Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, August 12,
2005; Packer, Assassins’ Gate, 141–142; Michael Isiko and David Corn, Hubris: e Inside Story
of Spin, Scandal, and the Selling of the Iraq War (New York: Crown, 2006), 224–225; Inspectors
General, U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Defense, “Interagency Assessment of
Iraq Police Training,” July 15, 2005, 16 (second quotation),
zation/103475.pdf; Hashim, Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Iraq, 305–307; Fouad Ajami, e
Foreigner’s Gi: e Americans, the Arabs, and the Iraqis in Iraq (New York: Free Press, 2006), 148;
Cordesman, Iraqi Security Forces, 226.
17. Gordon and Trainor,
Cobra II, 490–494; West, No True Glory, 22; Nora Bensahel, “Mission
Not Accomplished,” in Mahnken and Keaney, War in Iraq, 136; West, Strongest Tribe,
12–15; Peter R.
nsoor, “Counterinsurgency in Karbala,” in Mahnken and Keaney, War in Iraq, 195.
18. Ricks,
Fiasco, 173–176 (quotations on pp. 173 and 174); John Agresto, Mugged by Reality:
e Liberation of Iraq and the Failure of Good Intentions (New York: Encounter Books, 2007), 162–
163; Yon, Moment of Truth in Iraq, 63; West, Strongest Tribe, 23.
19. Packer,
Assassins’ Gate, 240–241; Ricks, Fiasco, 227.
20. Fick,
One Bullet Away; Robert D. Kaplan, Imperial Grunts: e American Military on the
Ground (New York: Random House, 2005), 265–271; M. D. Capstick, “Establishing Security in Af-
ghanistan,” in Georey Hayes and Mark Sedra, eds., Afghanistan: Transition under reat (Water-
loo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier Press, 2008), 264–265; Yon, Moment of Truth in Iraq, 95. For this
reason, Marines were more likely than soldiers to believe that adaptive leadership could overcome
lack of training and education specic to a particular type of conict. See Appendix, question 42.
21. Matthew Morgan,
A Democracy Is Born (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2007), 90; Appendix,
question 17; interviews with U.S. military personnel.
22. James Mattis, interview with author, August 6, 2008.
23. Max Boot, “Reconstructing Iraq,”
Weekly Standard, September 15, 2003; Michael R.
Gordon, “Leathernecks Plan to Use a Velvet Glove in Iraq,” New York Times, December 12, 2003;
Carl E. Mundy III, “Spare the Rod, Save the Nation,” New York Times, December 30, 2003; West,
Strongest Tribe, 8, 13–17; U.S. military personnel, interviews with author.
24. Linda Robinson,
Masters of Chaos: e Secret History of the Special Forces (New York: Pub-
lic Aairs, 2004), 217–223; James A. Gavrilis, “e Mayor of Ar Rutbah,” Foreign Policy, Novem-
ber–December 2005, 28–35 (quotation on p. 33); Ricks, Fiasco, 152–154.
324 Notes to Pages 216–221