xvi Acknowledgments
let, Lieutenant Colonel Jason A. Beaudoin, Brigadier General Manuel Mar-
tins Branco, Colonel Willy Buhl, Lieutenant Colonel Frederick E. Cale, Major
Patrick J. Cashman, Major Brian S. Christmas, Major Mark H. Clingan, Major
Carl E. Cooper, Colonel Frank Corte, Colonel Lewis Craparotta, Colonel
Stephen W. Davis, Major J. R. Deimel, Major Oliver H. Dunham, Colonel
Todd Ebel, Major Keith A. Forkin, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Grdovic, Colo-
nel Timothy A. Green, Major Robert M. Hancock, Colonel Je M. Haynes,
Major Brendan Heatherman, Colonel Bill Hix, Colonel Michael L. Howard,
Major Kevin Hutchison, Lieutenant Colonel Darin S. Morris, Lieutenant
Colonel Jason L. Morris, Colonel Michael F. Morris, Colonel Nicholas F.
Nanna, Major Edward T. Nevgloski, Major Michael B. Prosser, Lieutenant
Colonel Larry Redmon, Colonel Patrick Redmon, Colonel Shawn M. Rein-
wald, Colonel Ritch Rodebaugh, Lieutenant Colonel Michael V. Samarov,
Colonel Jerey A. Schaf, Lieutenant Colonel Wayne A. Sinclair, Major Adam
Strickland, Major Jerey J. Stower, Major Robb A. Sucher, Lieutenant Colonel
Alex Vohr, Lieutenant Colonel Richard R. Warmbold, Colonel James L. Welsh,
and Colonel Billy West.
e U.S. Marine Corps and CENTCOM made possible a visit to Iraq
and Afghanistan in the spring of 2008 that enabled me to see contemporary
counterinsurgency rsthand. Colonel omas C. Greenwood and Lieutenant
Colonel William H. Vivian set me on the right track, and Lieutenant Colonel
Shawn Keefe and Colonel Patrick Kanewske pushed me along it. Once I
reached the CENTCOM area of operations, I was able to visit the right people
and places with help from Colonel Steve Boylan, Lieutenant Colonel John K.
Carroll, Master Sergeant Marcial Flores, Lieutenant Colonel Claudia Foss,
Captain Rebecca Garcia, Colonel Robin Gentry, Major Chris Gillette, Lieu-
tenant Colonel Mark S. Harrington, Colonel omas R. Kelly, Master Sergeant
Richard A. Krause, Chief Warrant Ocer 2 Michael M. Osilla, Major Corinna
Robinson, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Yoswa, and the sta of the 201st Corps
advisory group.
I am grateful to the veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan who
lled out the survey on counterinsurgency leadership that is located at the
back of this book. ese respondents, most them holding ranks from captain
to colonel, provided hard data on subjects for which the evidence had previ-
ously been thin. eir written comments, too lengthy to include in this vol-
ume in their entirety, inuenced my thinking on a variety of leadership issues.