insurgency operations.” Ibid. See also Linn, U.S. Army and Counterinsurgency, 22; Linn, Philippine
War, 327; Leon Wol, Little Brown Brother: How the United States Purchased and Pacified the Phil-
ippine Islands at the Century’s Turn (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1961), 333.
14. May,
Battle for Batangas, 136.
15. Silbey,
War of Frontier and Empire, 216; Linn, “e Philippines,” 52; Birtle, U.S. Army Doc-
trine, 1860–1941, 112–116.
16. Linn,
U.S. Army and Counterinsurgency, 169.
17. Birtle,
U.S. Army Doctrine, 1860–1941, 101–104; May, Battle for Batangas, 141–142.
18. Linn, “e Philippines,” 47, 51–52 (quotation). See also Gates,
Schoolbooks and Krags, 140–
141; Birtle, U.S. Army Doctrine, 1860–1941, 121–122.
19. Gates,
Schoolbooks and Krags, 198; Birtle, U.S. Army Doctrine, 1860–1941, 120–121.
20. Silbey,
War of Frontier and Empire, 135–138; Gates, Schoolbooks and Krags, 133–141; Birtle,
U.S. Army Doctrine, 1860–1941, 119–121.
21. Linn,
Philippine War, 259, 200–202, 282–284, 289–290; Linn, U.S. Army and Counterinsur-
gency, 108–110, 124–128; Gates, Schoolbooks and Krags, 132–133.
22. Gates,
Schoolbooks and Krags, 145–147 (quotation on p. 146).
23. Birtle,
U.S. Army Doctrine, 1860–1941, 127–128; Gates, Schoolbooks and Krags, 174–175.
24. Linn,
Philippine War, 235–240 (quotation on p. 240).
25. Heath Twichell, Jr.,
Allen: e Biography of an Army Officer (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers
University Press, 1974), 105–108; Linn, Philippine War, 233–234.
26. Young,
General’s General, 79 (quotation).
27. Frank H. Golay,
Face of Empire: United States–Philippine Relations (Madison: University of
Wisconsin-Madison Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 1998), 66; Young, General’s General, 272–
276; Linn, Philippine War, 208–218; Silbey, War of Frontier and Empire, 142–143; Sexton, Soldiers in
the Sun, 248–249.
28. May,
Battle for Batangas, 159–161; Birtle, U.S. Army Doctrine, 1860–1941, 124–128; Gates,
Schoolbooks and Krags, 166–70.
29. Linn,
Philippine War, 249–252, 290–293; Linn, U.S. Army and Counterinsurgency, 49–50,
129, 138–142.
30. Taylor,
Philippine Insurrection,
vol. 5, p. 106; Sexton, S
ldiers in the Sun, 249–256; Birtle,
“U.S. Army’s Pacication of Marinduque,” 260–262; Young, General’s General, 279.
31. Gates,
Schoolbooks and Krags, 188–189 (quotation on p. 189); May, Battle for Batangas,
32. Young,
General’s General, 278–280; Wol, Little Brown Brother, 334; Gates, Schoolbooks
and Krags, 205–208, 216–217 (quotation on p. 206); Welch, Response to Imperialism, 36–37; Birtle,
U.S. Army Doctrine, 1860–1941, 128.
33. Birtle,
U.S. Army Doctrine, 1860–1941, 127–128; Gates, Schoolbooks and Krags, 214–216;
Linn, Philippine War, 213–214.
34. Taylor,
Philippine Insurrection, vol. 5, pp. 358–359; Linn, Philippine War, 229–230, 282–286,
293–296; Linn, U.S. Army and Counterinsurgency, 55–56, 95–118; Silbey, War of Frontier and Empire,
35. Linn,
Philippine War, 214–215, 220–221; Birtle, “U.S. Army’s Pacication of Marinduque,”
271–272; Gates, Schoolbooks and Krags, 210; Birtle, U.S. Army Doctrine, 1860–1941, 130–131.
36. Gates,
Schoolbooks and Krags, 232 (quotation); Linn, U.S. Army and Counterinsurgency,
37. Linn,
Philippine War, 220–222; Twichell, Allen, 101–103; May, Battle for Batangas, 155–158;
Sexton, Soldiers in the Sun, 240–242; Young, e General’s General, 277–278.
38. Gates,
Schoolbooks and Krags, 226–232; May, Battle for Batangas, 203; Linn, Philippine
War, 279; Birtle, “U.S. Army’s Pacication of Marinduque,” 269, 282.
39. Linn,
U.S. Army and Counterinsurgency, 76–86, 108–116; Linn, Philippine War, 282–286.
40. Taylor,
Philippine Insurrection, vol. 2, pp. 280–285; Gates, Schoolbooks and Krags, 218–219,
228–232; Sexton, Soldiers in the Sun, 258–259; Linn, U.S. Army and Counterinsurgency, 54–55.
41. Twichell,
Allen, 123 (quotation); Linn, Philippine War, 204, 210, 239–240, 260; Gates,
Schoolbooks and Krags, 195–196, 213–214, 231; Linn, “e Philippines,” 53; Linn, U.S. Army and
Counterinsurgency, 109–118.
Notes to Pages 71–78 311