11.9.3 Establish the Initial Boundary Conditions and Scale Sediment
To select an appropriate model sediment, flume tests were made on the initiation of
motion of many artificial sediments before selecting bakelite (plastic) powder with a spe-
cific weight of 1.4 t/m
. The bakelite powder had a wide range of grain sizes, from 0.01 to
10 mm, making it possible to simulate the full range of sediment found in the prototype
system, from suspended load to gravels. The d
for the model bed load was about 0.14
mm with a Manning roughness of 0.016, and a velocity for initiation of motion of about 6
to 7 cm/s. Field measurement and computations indicated that the critical velocity for ini-
tiation of bed load motion in the prototype was 0.6 m/s, which is about 10 times the critical
velocity for the model, satisfying the corresponding scaling criteria.
11.9.4 Model Construction
The model was constructed as an accurate scale replica of the prototype. The physical
model was 80 m long, equivalent to 16 km in the prototype system. The simulated bed
load of sand and gravel was introduced at the upstream end of the model, and a recircu-
lation system was used for the suspended load. During tests the concentration profiles
and grain size distribution of suspended sediment were measured in the model, and
inflow and outflow concentrations were measured at 15-min intervals. Sediment feed
was adjusted as required to maintain the proper sediment inflow conditions.
11.9.5 Calibration
Model scales and roughness were calibrated by measuring vertical velocity distribution
and water levels. Patterns of flow, sediment deposition, and erosion in the model were
calibrated against conditions observed in the field in 1971, and conditions with coffer-
dams across the left and right channels in 1972. Water levels were calibrated for dis-
charges varying from 5300 to 33,500 m
/s, and extra roughness was added in some
areas to make the water surface profile in the model better match the prototype. The
velocity distribution in both the prototype and the model were measured to check that the
vertical mean velocities across cross sections and vertical velocity distributions were
similar. Variations in transverse and vertical suspended sediment concentrations were
also measured and compared. When discharges exceeded 20,000 m
/s, turbidity
currents were observed in the model.
Gravels are not transported through the Nanjinguan Gorge for discharges less than
20,000 m
/s, and at higher flows they are transported primarily along the right-hand
channel. Gravels equivalent to a prototype grain diameter of 100 mm could be trans-
ported throughout the entire length of the model.
Similarity of topography and the grain size distribution of sediment deposits between
the prototype and the model must be achieved by adjusting the sediment inflow rate and
grain size distribution to match the suspended sediment concentration, bed load
transport, grain size distribution, outflow sediment characteristics, and sediment
transport time scale observed in the prototype. Model scale ratios were adjusted by trial
and error until the topographic features and grain size distribution of deposits in the
prototype system were reproduced satisfactorily by the model. Topographic calibration is
the most complex and difficult problem in model tests. Calibration periods consisted
of a 3 month flood season and an entire year. Model results were compared to
prototype topographic surveys which indicated both the configuration and volume of
the deposits. There were 31 model runs for the purpose of topographic calibration, of
which 29 were preparatory model runs and two were formal test runs. The 29