proper use of the terms calibration, verification, and validation, and the meaning of these
terms should always be interpreted within the context of its usage. The usage presented
below follows that of Anderson et al. (1992).
1. Problem identification. All modeling work begins as a question or a perceived
problem which may be initially defined by management, technical staff, or regulatory
2. Conceptual model. Once a problem has been identified, construct a conceptual
model which will define the analytical approach. Formulation of a workable conceptual
model requires one or more site visits, collection of the available historical data,
geomorphic interpretation, and possibly the collection of field data.
Fluvial systems are dynamic and, in addition to obtaining information during site
reconnaissance, it is also important to define the historical events and trends affecting the
geomorphic behavior of the system. The fluvial system may be degrading and coarsening
because of a cutoff of sediment supply by upstream dams or aggregate mining, aggrading
because of erosive land uses or upstream flow diversion, or recovering from a recent
extreme discharge event which scoured the channel. Information on channel changes,
meandering, landslides, and areas of frequent overbank flow should also be ascertained. A
number of data sources may be available to ascertain historical conditions. Streamgage
records can be checked for historical large events and gage shift, which is the gradual
change in the streambed relative to the gage datum. Ensure that any observed gage shift is
caused by a general change in the streambed rather than localized conditions such as bridge
scour. Historical air photos, maps, and reports should be consulted. Old cross-section
surveys for bridges, for example, may provide useful data if the original datum can be
ascertained and the effects of general change in streambed elevation can be distinguished
from localized changes due to bridge scour. Interviews can provide qualitative information.
3. Define Modeling Purpose, Scope, and Methodology. On the basis of the con-
ceptual model, define the specific objectives to be addressed by subsequent modeling
Problem formulation should identify the study reach, the sediment-related problems
of concern, and the grain size and hydrographs of interest. The study limit should extend
upstream of any anticipated project impacts, and in reservoirs it should extend upstream of
the limit of backwater deposition. Important tributaries influencing sediment inflow or
hydrology should be included. Location of the downstream limit will depend on the
particular study, but should generally extend beyond the area where project impacts are
anticipated to be significant, should include sediment-sensitive areas or structures, and
should include gage stations which may be useful during calibration. A downstream
hydraulic structure or point of bedrock control may constitute a convenient downstream
model boundary. Considering the nature of the problem and the constraints of time, budget,
and data availability, select the modeling approaches and tools to be used. In general,
select the least complicated modeling tools suitable for the problem: do not add
unnecessary complexity to the problem at hand.
4. Model construction and calibration. Using the historical data and
additional field data collection as required, construct and calibrate the model according to
historical conditions. Calibration is the process of adjusting model parameters within a
range of reasonable values to cause the model to accurately reproduce conditions
observed in the prototype system. Many parameters including hydraulic roughness,
geometry, inflowing sediment load, and grain size, as well as transport equations, may
require adjustment during the calibration process.