of the HEC-6 model for reservoir analysis is its ability to simulate both deposition and
scour for a wide range of grain sizes, including silts and clays. Many other stream sed-
imentation models do not incorporate the capability to simulate fines.
In the future this model will be incorporated into the River Analysis System (HEC-
RAS), which consists of an integrated system of hydraulic analysis software consisting of
a graphical user interface, hydrologic and geometric database, separate hydraulic analysis
components, data storage and management capabilities, and graphics and reporting
facilities. When fully implemented the system will contain three one-dimensional
hydraulic analysis components: (1) steady-flow water surface profile computations,
replacing HEC-2 which will no longer be supported by the Corps; (2) unsteady-flow
simulation based on the UNET model; and (3) movable boundary sediment transport,
eventually replacing HEC-6. A key feature of this system is that all three computational
modules will use a common geometric and hydrologic database.
11.6.2 GSTARS
The General Stream Tube Model for Alluvial River Simulation (GSTARS) was devel-
oped by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Molinas and Yang, 1986) and is available from
Ted Yang, MS D8540, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 25007, Denver, CO 80225.
GSTARS is a steady-, nonuniform-flow, one-dimensional model which simulates certain
aspects of two-dimensional flow by using the stream tube concept for hydraulic
computations. It is also capable of solving for channel width as an unknown variable,
based on the concept of stream power minimization. A version which will incorporate
routines specifically designed to simulate reservoir sedimentation processes is under
Hydraulic computations may use the Manning, Darcy-Weisbach, or Chezy equation,
and computations can be carried through both subcritical and supercritical flows without
interruption. Geometry is specified by channel cross sections, and roughness coefficients
are specified as a function of distance across the channel.
The model uses stream tubes to compute the lateral variation in hydraulic and
sediment transport conditions within the cross section. Stream tubes are imaginary
channels within the wetted cross section bounded by streamlines. Since flow does not
cross streamlines, each stream tube has the same discharge (Fig. 11.8). The bed elevation
in each stream tube is allowed to move vertically up or down depending on transport con-
ditions, and one stream tube may be eroding while another parallel stream tube is
aggrading, providing a more realistic pattern of channel erosion and degradation than in
models in which bed geometry is fixed. Stream tube boundaries are computed at each
cross section at each time step to provide equal hydraulic conveyance within each stream
tube. The user determines the number of stream tubes to be used, and when a single
stream tube is used, the model becomes one-dimensional in the conventional sense.
The model simulates armoring by using a multiple-layer bed. Some transport equa-
tions (Yang, Ackers and White, Engelund and Hansen) compute total load without
breaking it into size fractions, but to track the composition of the bed and for armoring
computations it is necessary to determine transport rates by size class. In the GSTARS
model, the sediment load is computed for each size class individually as if the entire bed
consisted of that size. The resulting load is multiplied by the fraction of bed material
corresponding to that particle size to give the bed material load for each size class. Up to
10 user-specified size classes may be used in the model, but the model will not simulate
the scour and deposition of silts or clays.