186 4 Dynamical Behaviour of Processes
S. Kub´ık, Z. Kotek, V. Strejc, and J.
Stecha. Theory of Automatic Control I.
SNTL/ALFA, Praha, 1982. (in Czech).
V. A. Besekerskij and E. P. Popov. Theory of Automatic Control Systems.
Nauka, Moskva, 1975. (in Russian).
A. A. Feldbaum and A. G. Butkovskij. Methods in Theory of Automatic
Control. Nauka, Moskva, 1971. (in Russian).
Y. Z. Cypkin. Foundations of Theory of Automatic Systems. Nauka, Moskva,
1977. (in Russian).
H. Unbehauen. Regelungstechnik I. Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1986.
J. Mikleˇs, P. Dost´al, and A. M´esz´aros. Control of Processes in Chemical
Technology. STU, Bratislava, 1994. (in Slovak).
Numerical methods for the solution of a system response – simulations can
be found in
J. Olehla, M. Olehla, et al. BASIC for Microcomputers. NADAS, Praha, 1998.
(in Czech).
M. Jamshidi, M. Tarokh, and B. Shafai. Computer-aided Analysis and Design
of Linear Control Systems. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
J. Penny and G. Lindfield. Numerical Methods Using MATLAB. ELLIS
HORWOOD, London, 1995.
W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, and B. P. Flannery. Numerical
Recipes in C. The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge University
Press, 1992.
A. Grace, A. J. Laub, J. N. Little, and C. Thompson. Control System Toolbox
for Use with MATLAB. The Mathworks, Inc., Natich, MA, 1990.
Simulations of the liquid storage system used coefficients from
J. Danko, M. Ondroviˇcov´a, and A. M´esz´aros. Experimental model of a hy-
draulic system. Automatizace, (12):478 – 481, 1995. (in Slovak).
Frequency responses are quite common in many control books:
K. Reinisch. Kybernetische Grundlagen und Beschreibung kontinuericher
Systeme. VEB Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1974.
J. Mikleˇs. Theory of Automatic Control of Processes in Chemical Technology,
ST, Bratislava, 1978. (in Slovak).
S. Kub´ık, Z. Kotek, V. Strejc, and J.
Stecha. Theory of Automatic Control I.
SNTL/ALFA, Praha, 1982. (in Czech).
V. A. Besekerskij and E. P. Popov. Theory of Automatic Control Systems.
Nauka, Moskva, 1975. (in Russian).
Y. Z. Cypkin. Foundations of Theory of Automatic Systems. Nauka, Moskva,
1977. (in Russian).