Some climatic variables or climate-related processes may have
been quite different in the geologie past, however, affeeting the
botindary conditions of models and the applicability of certain
paleoclitnatie indicators. Several examples illustrate the
problem: (I) lower solar luminosity in the Archean compared
to today; (2) greater ratio of sea to land in the Arehean
cotnpared to today; (3) higher global sea level in the Catiibrian
and Cretaceous, whieh may have ameliorated terrestrial
elimate and affected oeean circulation; (4) prior to the
appearance of vascular land plants in the Devonian, seditnent
yield was not affected by vegetation; and (5) the global
distribution of extitiet plants and animals tnay not have been
the same as that of their closest surviving relatives.
Temporal scales of climate change
Climatic cycles refer to repetitive ehanges in earth's elimate
related to global processes and may oceur on the scale of a few
years to tens of millions of years. At the largest timeseale, the
earth may have experienced as many as nine changes from
warm to cool conditions over the past 70(1 million years
(Frakes etal., 1992). These ciimatie intervals are commonly
referred to as "icehouse" and "greenhouse" periods, because
most oi the cool intervals have evidence for continental
glaciation and beeause the cycles appear to be strongly
influenced by changes in the atmospheric concentration of
carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.
At much smaller temporal scales are Milankovitch cycles,
whieh result frotn orbital perturbations that signifteantly affect
the distribution of soiar energy on the earth, especially at high
latitudes. One of the perturbations involves changes in the
shape of the earth's orbit around the sun, whieh occurs at
periods of lOOkyears and 400kyears (thoiisatid years), in
addition, a complete cycle of change in the angle of tilt of the
earth's axis of rotation takes place every 41
years, and the
precession effect, which is primarily related to the earth's
wobble as it spins, produces cycles of
k years and 23 k years.
The wa.xing and waning o\' Pleistocene glaciers have been
correlated with Milankovitch cycles (Hays etat.. 1976), as have
other seditiientologic patterns in the stratigraphic record
(Olsen and Kent. 19%).
Not all climatic changes iti the geologic past were necessarily
driven by global cycles, however. Climate changes may oeeur
on a contitient as it drifts across latitudinal climate zones, and
local climate change may result from the rise and fall of
mountains or from changes in oeean and wind currents. Given
the multitude of variables that affect climate, it is unwise to
assutiie that all cliniatic changes in earth history will occur at
the same time scale and for the same reason.
Climate is the average condition of the atmosphere near the
earth's surface and includes temperature, precipitation.
evaporation, winds, and ocean currents. Climatic zones on
the earth are generally distributed parallel to latitude,
although local conditions may disrupt this pattern.
Climate affects the amount o'i siliciclastie seditnent made
available to sedimetitary basitis, as well as sediment
composition, depositional processes, and syndepositiona!
modification by organisms and precipitation of authigenic
The interpretation of ancient climate (paleoelimate) is based
on numeral modeling and paleoelimatie indicators in the
such as plant fossils, evaporite minerals, and
paleosols. Uniformitarian eonsiderations are neeessary
when interpreting paleoclimate, espeeially for the Precam-
Cyclic changes in elimate may occur on the scale of years to
tens of millions of years, although not all the elitnate
ehanges in the geologie past resulted iVotn global cycles.
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