relative to the bedform crest. For example, the best method of
identifying an oblique bedform is to demonstrate that
bedforms superimposed on the lee side of the main bedform
systematically migrated along the crest of the main bedform in
a preferred direction (Rubin and Hunter, 1983).
Cyclic cross-stratification
Some cross-stratifleation exhibits cyclic changes in grain size
(such as mud drapes in tidal bundles), dip azimuth or
inclination, stratification type (e.g.. alternations of grainflow
and grainlall), or spacing of bounding surfaces. In herringbone
eross-stratification (attributed to reversing tidal flows) succes-
sive sets dip in opposing directions. Scalloped cross-bedding
eontains cyclically truncated trough-shaped subsets. Some
cyclic eross-strata arise from flow cycles, and others arise from
the passage of superimposed bedforms.
Deformed cross-stratification
Because cross-strata arc deposited on slopes, they are
particularly susceptible to slumping. Slumping can disturb
individual beds or a sequence of beds near the free surfaee.
Bedforms can also fail by the crestal region of a bedforms
subsiding and sediment flowing into trough regions. This kind
of failure may include the lower set boundary as well as
sediment in the subsurfaee.
Relation of set thickness to bedform size
Where bedforms in a train are similar to each other and have a
relatively uniform trough elevation, the thickness of the
preserved sets depends on the bedform wavelength and the
angle of elimb (Rubin and Hunter, 1982). In such situations,
the thickness of cross-stratified beds ean be a very small
fraction of the original bedform height. For example, eolian
dunes in large deserts are commonly lOOm in height, whereas
eolian eross-stratified beds in the rock record are typically a
full order of magnitude smaller.
On the other extreme, where bedforms have irregular trough
elevations, the thickness of cross-stratified beds depends on the
particular sequence of troughs passing a point on the bed
(Paola and Borgnian, 1991). In this case, the thickness of cross-
stratitied beds ean be a substantial proportion of the original
bedtorm height.
Relation of dip direction to flow direction
Dip directions of cross-stratilication are routinely used to infer
paleoeurrent directions. Although this approach probably
gives reasonable results when sufficient measurements are
made, the results can be biased in Individual cases, particularly
where bedforms are oblique to flow (Rubin and Hunter, 1987).
Trough axes may be a more representative measure of the flow
direction, but even trough axes can diverge from the actual
transport direction. For example, in oblique bedforms, both
the cross-strata dips and trough axis trends can diverge
substantially from the transport direction. A more general rule
ean be demonstrated Ibr compound cross-stratification depos-
ited by bedform assemblages: the transport direction lies
between the dip direction of the bounding surfaees scoured by
the superimposed bedforms and the dip direction of foresets
deposited by superimposed bedforms (Rubin and Hunter,
Rubin, 1987).
Several new techniques are particularly useful for studying the
geometry of cross-stratification. Ground-penetrating radar has
proven successful at mapping internal stratification within
eolian dunes, and borehole imagery can determine vertical
profiles of dip directions. Three-dimensional graphics modeling
is essential for reconstructing the morphology and behavior of
bedforms that are too complicated to be visualized otherwise.
Future studies
Perhaps the greatest advance in understanding eross-stratifiea-
tion will eome with the development of coupled flow and
sediment-transport models that ean aeeurately predict the
morphology, migration, and evolution of bedforms. including
interaction between successive bedforms in a train. Such a
model would allow computational experiments to recreate
specific bedding geometries from simulated flow sequenees.
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