however, this trend may be reversed. In fact the consistent and
pervasive occurrence of dioctahedral chlorites in some red
as well as the allied mixed-layer dioctahedral chlorite-
smectite mineral called tosuditc. indicates a clear association
which hitherto has not generally been recognized. Examples
include the Triassic ofthe Colorado Plateau (Schiiltz. 1963).
some Permo-Triassic sandstones of Germany e,g,. Kiilkc
and parts of the Old Red Sandstone of the United
Kingdom (Garvie, 1992). One way to recognize dioetahedral
chlorite is by an intense 003 peak in an X-ray powder
diffraction pattern; this feature is directly is related to the
aluminous composition. Indeed, other features such as
abundant kaoiinite or dickite in association with dioclahedral
ehlorites indicates quite clearly that the type ol' reds beds in
which they occur have alnminons diagenetic mineral assem-
blages. In red beds this might be related to widespread leaching
and flushing by meteoric water during early diagenesis, with
consequent alteration of feldspars and micas, Dioctahedral
chlorites are also common in hydrothermal alterations of
aluminous rocks and in sedimentary basins they can occur as a
result of loealized hydrothermal activity associated with fault
systems. However, the pervasive nature of their distribution in
some red beds argues against a localized hydrothermal origin.
Pathways for their diagenetic formation have not yet been
adequately established but might involve either a kaolin
precursor, or perhaps a sequence beginning with aluminous
(beidellitic) smectite that evolves to dioctahedral chlorite via
tosudite as an intermediate step. Such a sequence would be
entirely analogous to the well-documented saponite to
corrensile to trioctahedral chlorite sequence in Mg-rich
environments. Indeed, tosudile may be easily misidentllied as
corrensite when it occurs in red beds simply beeause the
association of eorrensite with red beds is more widely known.
Any clay mineral identified as "corrcnsiic" but associated wiih
abundant kaolinite (aluminous system) in a red bed is certainly
worthy of close scrutiny.
Lithic and volcaniclastic sediment association
One of the well-known pathways by which chlorite may form
diagenetically is by the alteration of detrital ferromagnesian
minerals, for example biotite is commonly altered to chlorite
during diagenesis (Jiang and Peacor. 1994), Clearly, this
process may operate in any sediment where detrital ferro-
magnesium minerals arc present, but is particularly common in
sediments that are inineralogically immature. Volcaniclastic
sediments also are prone to the diagenetic formation of
chlorite, often with associated formation of corrensite (Almon
etal., 1976: Stalder, 1979), In volcaniclastic sandstones there
arc undoubtedly many parallels with the low temperature
formation of corrensite and ehlorite in altered voleanic roeks
(Frey and Robinson. 1999).
Shale diagenesis/low grade-metjmorphism
The smectite to itlite reaction, or more generally illilization. is
one of the most important reaetions that occur during
diagenesis. Although there are different ways to write the
overall reaction, it is generally agreed that magnesium and
especially iron are liberated and become available lor chlorite
formation. Thus in the classic study of Hower ctat. (1976) of
shales from the Gulf Coast chlorite was first observed at
2500ni, increased in abundance to 3700m and thereafter
remained constant to the greatest depth examined at 5500m,
Hower etal. (1976) interpreted all ehlorite they observed as
diagenetie and later TEM work by Ahn and Peacor (I9S5)
supported the hypothesis that chlorite was formed diageneti-
cally in Gulf Coast shales as a result of the itlitization of
smectite. Recalculation of the data of Howei" et at. (1976)
indicates the formation of between 5-7 percent chlorite by
weight in the shales they studied. Formation of chlorite as a
consequence of the processes of illitization is probably
common place in mudrocks. Furthermore it has been
suggested that this process may account for the observation
that older rocks (c,g,. Paleozoic shales) tend to have higher
chlorite eontents than younger rocks (e.g.. Weaver 1989).
simply because they are more likely (longer thermal
histories) to have been affected by advanced diagenesis. This
seems a logical explanation since sedimentary rocks that
have entered the realm of low-grade metamorphism are
typified by a phyllosilieate assemblage of white mica and
chlorite, culminating in the greenschist facies. It is unhkely.
however, that lale diagenetic chlorite formation in mudrocks is
entirely a consequence of illitization processes. More likely
there is a spectrum of reactants that may be involved in
chlorite forEiiation depending on mudrock composition
(Burton etal., 1987). This spectrum may encompass many of
the processes that characterize any of the different associa-
tions outlined above thereby resulting in Fe-rieh, Mg-rich or
Al-rich chlorite.
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