fm JWPR067-Mench December 13, 2007 20:22 Char Count=
viii Preface
as a multidisciplinary collection of engineering disciplines. The field of fuel cells truly is
an exciting multidisciplinary arena, where electrical, mechanical, material, chemical, and
industrial engineering merge. A new class of engineer educated in these areas is needed to
further fuel cell development.
Chapter 2 introduces the basic electrochemical principles and terminology needed
to understand electrochemical cells, reactant consumption, and product generation. The
chapter concludes with a discussion of the generic fuel cell, including the function and
desirable qualities in each fuel cell component. I find that early in the semester, when the
generic fuel cell concept is presented with a hands-on in-class demonstration of a fuel cell
assembly and disassembly, the students begin with a strong understanding of the various
internal processes and engineering trade-offs that occur in any fuel cell, which really helps
later when the analytical descriptions are derived and the s tudent needs to be able to
visualize the various physical phenomena. This element is key to the future understanding
they can achieve, and I suggest the professor accompany discussion of the generic fuel cell
with a physical example of a fuel cell in class to help this process along. Notes cannot
convey the understanding achieved from simply taking a small fuel cell apart.
Chapter 3 is an especially detailed description of the fundamental thermodynamics
involved in fuel cell science. Some will find this is overwritten, especially for a graduate-
level class. However, in many schools and between different departments, the curricula in
thermodynamics have been thinned out so much that many of my undergraduate students
were losing touch when the concept of a Nernst voltage or even relative humidity was
presented. To address this issue and provide enough material to get all students on the
same foundation, this chapter includes a fundamental description of the thermodynamic
parameters involved and the thermodynamic concepts needed for fuel cell study. Not all of
this material should be covered in class, but it serves as a reference for students who are
struggling to follow the concepts presented and helps them keep up with the other students.
Since I find many students lose their joy of engineering when it enters the microscale,
where possible, I have tried to impart a physical meaning to the parameters that can help
link the micro- and macroscales.
Chapter 4 is the largest and most important chapter in the text and could easily be
separated into several separate chapters. In this chapter, the entire polarization curve is
presented and dissected. Starting with the maximum thermal voltage, each departure from
this voltage is analyzed in detail. The culmination of the chapter is the development of a zero-
dimensional fuel cell performance model that includes detailed expressions for losses from
kinetic, thermodynamic, ohmic, concentration, crossover, or short-circuit polarizations. I
find that assigning a computer project that asks the student to integrate this fuel cell model
into a spreadsheet is an extremely valuable way to help cement the physical parameters and
concepts in the students’ minds. Although a zero-dimensional model cannot account for
many of the more complex effects involved, it is extremely valuable as a qualitative teaching
tool. The professor can extend this model to make it as complex as desired. For a graduate-
level class, including more advanced flooding concepts, an extension to an along-the-
channel-l-D model can make a good term project. I find that through this modeling project
approach, the students realize the limitations of the model and the trade-offs with design
parameters such as electrolyte thickness or humidity and achieve a global understanding
of the relative importance of the controlling parameters. Also included in Chapter 4 is a
semiempirical modeling approach commonly used. Although less fundamental, it can be