the production of pollutant species CO and NOx, as shown in Fig. 9.24. If
Tg =
= 3138.8°R were assumed, exactly
of the air would be required for primary
and secondary air combustion, and there would be not only no dilution air required,
but also none available for liner cooling. However, if transpiration/effusion cooling
were employed, the required air fraction is so modest that
Tg ..~
3500°R would
probably work. If for some reason (probably manufacturing cost), film cooling
were to be specified,
would have to be raised to well beyond 4000°R, and there
still would be no requirement for dilution air.
Because the AAF engine being designed is a warplane, and not a global range
airlifter, commercial passenger, or transport jet, minimizing pollutant emissions is
not a principal design objective. Rather, what is required is a very wide tumdown
ratio, or in other words, a very wide range of flame stability and thus freedom
from flameout from maneuvers or high altitude. It is therefore desirable to have a
primary zone equivalence ratio above 0.8, well above the lean blowout limit q~8o
0.4 - 0.5.
Using these assumptions, a good choice for target liner gas temperature can
be obtained by solving Eq. (9.92) for
Tg = Tt3.1 + q)PzepzATmax
= 1660 +
0.8(0.7)(3909) = 3849°R.
= 3849°R as the design target gas temperature, and still assum-
= 0.7 and ~Pz --- 0.80, Eq. (9.93) gives the primary zone air mass
fraction as
#ez = q~4/~pz
= 0.3784/0.80 = 0.473. From Eq. (9.97),
(bsz =
(3849 - 1660)/3909 = 0.560, and Eq. (9.99) gives the secondary zone air mass
IZsz = (494/qbsz)-
(~b4/~pz) -- (0.3784/0.560)- (0.3784/0.80) = 0.203.
The remaining mass flow fraction (1 -
~ez -
#sz) = 1 - 0.473 - 0.203 = 0.324
is available for film cooling, or for transpiration/effusion cooling and dilution.
= 3849°R the required cooling effectiveness is, from Eq. (9.94), ~ =
(Tg - Tm)/(Tg - Tc)
= (3849- 2110)/(3849- 1660) ---- 0.794. From Eqs. (9.95)
and (9.96), the corresponding requirements for cooling air mass fraction are/zc =
0.644 for film cooling, and/zc = 0.155 for transpiration/effusion cooling. Because
there is not enough air available for film cooling, transpiration/effusion cooling
must be selected. With transpiration/effusion chosen for liner cooling, the required
dilution air fraction from Eq. (9.101) is
1 - (#ez + #sz + IZc) = 1 -
(0.473 + 0.203 + 0.155) = 0.169. The results of the air partitioning are summa-
rized in Table 9.E4. Dome and liner.
With the radial height of the outer casing
fixed, and air partitioning determined, it is now possible to determine the liner
height HL and corresponding dome diameter. From Eq. (9.109), the optimal
Table 9.E4 Air partitioning for AAF engine main burner, for assumed
=3849°R and
eez =
Primary Secondary Transpiration Dilution
Total zone zone cooling zone
Air flow (lbm/s) 104.24 49.306 21.161 16.157 17.616
Mass fractions 1.00 0.473 0.203 0.155 0.169