932 VIIb. Engineering Mathematics: Differential Equations
Solution to Schrödinger Wave Equation
Erwin Schrödinger discovered the wave equation for matter waves. It was Max
Born who interpreted the Shroedinger – de Broglie waves as waves of probability,
which became the wave mechanics version of quantum mechanics. Consider the
classical properties of electromagnetic waves in free space such as frequency ( v ),
Historical perspective. Physicists have traditionally tried to unify all physical phenom-
ena under one set of mathematical rules. For example, Newton applied the terrestrial laws
to describe the motion of celestial bodies. Boltzmann integrated thermodynamics into clas-
sical mechanics, Ampere and Faraday demonstrated that electricity and magnetism are two
sides of the same coin, and James Clerk Maxwell explained optics in terms of electromag-
netic waves (Figure VIIb.2.2). This pursuit of unification continued until around the turn of
the 20
century, when classical physics then tried to explain every phenomenon in terms of
two independent branches; classical mechanics and electromagnetism. However, with this
approach classical physics could not describe phenomena on a microscopic scale. For ex-
ample, blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, and the emission of sharp spectral lines
by atoms in a gas discharge could not be explained within the framework of classical phys-
ics. The most challenging task facing classical physics was explaining the nature of light,
which behaves as both wave and particle. In classical mechanics, every elementary object
is either wave, obeying Maxwell’s equations or a particle, obeying Newtonian laws. The
discrepancy between the Newtonian concept of relative motion and Michelson’s optical ex-
periment in 1881 gave birth to Einstein’s theory of relativity. Prior to Michelson’s experi-
ment, the nature of light was based solely on the electromagnetic theory of Maxwell dating
back to 1862. Treating light only as an electromagnetic wave requires a medium for light to
travel through an empty space. Still, classical physics was in dire need of modernization to
be able to explain such new challenging phenomena as photoelectric effects and emission of
sharp spectral light in a gas discharge. The shortcomings of classical physics led to the de-
velopment of modern physics (based on wave or quantum mechanics), which quantitatively
describes the behavior of nature on a microscopic scale. In quantum mechanics, where par-
ticles and waves are two distinct modes of behavior shared by all objects, there is no dis-
tinction between wave and particle as in classical theories. We may then consider the clas-
sical mechanics as a special case of the more general wave mechanics.
Figure VIIb.2.2. A plane monochromatic electromagnetic wave
The discovery of quantum physics proceeded in two tracks. Max Plank, Neils Bohr, and
Werner Heisenberg’s work led to the realization that the allowed values of energy exchange
between subatomic particles are discrete. The second track based on the works of Albert
Einstein, Louis de Broglie, Erwin Schrödinger, and Max Born focused on the duality of
light as both wave and particle. Paul Dirac later showed that these two tracks are entirely