2. Analytical Solutions to Differntial Equations 919
where 1−=i ,
2/h== , where Plank’s constant h = 6.626E-34 J-s. In Equa-
tion VIIb.1.32, m is mass, V is potential energy, and r is the location vector. Po-
tential energy in general is a function of location and time, V = V(x, y, z, t) but
most often only a function of location. Equation VIIb.1.32, as suggested by Erwin
Schroedinger in 1926, has some similarities with Equation VIIb.1.31, the classic
wave equation. However, unlike the wave equation derived above, the Schroed-
inger equation as a hypothesis, can only be verified and has no rigorous deriva-
tion. As such, Equation VIIb.1.32 is a statement similar to that of Newton’s sec-
ond law of motion, which has no proof. Furthermore,
in Equation VIIb.1.32
(referred to as the wave function) is not displacement. Rather; it is a measure of
probability known as probability amplitude and the square of its absolute value is
known as the probability density (
). By definition, dxdydz
represents the
probability that measurement of the particle’s position at the time t finds the parti-
cle in the volume element dV about the point x, y, and z. Solution to the
Schrödinger equation is given in Section 2.
2. Analytical Solutions to Differntial Equations
Differential equations can be divided into two categories. The first category in-
cludes equations for which we can find analytical solutions. The second category
includes equations for which, due to complications, we cannot find the analytical
solutions and have to solve numerically. We start with the first category due to
the importance of analytical solutions, then we deal with the second category.
2.1. Solution to First-Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equations
The general form of a first order linear differential equation is given as:
)()( xqyxp
=+ VIIb.2.1
To seek an analytic solution in closed form, we note that if the equation was writ-
ten as:
)()( xGyxF
= VIIb.2.2
the solution could be readily found as:
y +=
where C is the constant of integration. To express the unknown functions F(x)
and G(x) in terms of the specified functions p(x) and q(x), respectively, we carry
out the differential on the left-hand side of Equation VIIb.2.2, and rearrange the
results to get: