884 VIe. Applications: Nuclear Heat Generation
As shown in Figure VIe.5.1, reactor decay power following shutdown drops
rapidly in the short term (about 1000 s) and in the long term approaches zero as-
ymptotically. Obtaining a general formula for decay power is difficult due to such
factors as dependency on the fuel cycle and duration of operation (resulting in dif-
ferences in heavy nuclide concentration and their decay characteristics). See
Problem 55 for a best estimate prediction of decay heat as recommended by El-
Wakil. This correlation is applicable for time greater than 200 s after shutdown.
– What is the diameter of the chlorine atom?
– What are subatomic particles?
– What is an isotope? What are the isotopes of uranium?
– Define atomic mass unit. How much energy in MeV is associated with 1 amu?
– Explain the difference between a chemical and a nuclear reaction
– What is the abundance of the U-235 isotope in naturally occurring uranium?
– What is the process by which we increase the mass of certain isotopes in natu-
rally occurring substance?
– What is mass defect? Why is the mass of a nucleus less than the total mass of
its constituents?
– Why are heavy elements such as uranium and plutonium more amenable to fis-
– In how many ways may a neutron interact with a nucleus?
– What are the differences between elastic and inelastic scattering?
– Are microscopic and macroscopic cross sections properties of the neutron or of
the nucleus?
– What does the macroscopic cross section physically represent?
– Why do we refer to slow neutrons as thermal neutrons?
– What major assumption constitutes the basis of the diffusion equation?
– Mathematically speaking, what do temperature distribution in a rectangular
plate (Figure VIIb.2.1) and neutron flux distribution in a cylindrical core have
in common?
– Why, in an elastic scattering between a fast neutron and a nucleus, is most en-
ergy lost in collision with light nuclei than with heavier nuclei?
1. The atomic nucleus contains protons and neutrons while the electrons are orbit-
ing the nucleus on specific shells or orbits. Each shell is filled with a certain
number of electrons. The shells are identified with quantum numbers 1, 2, 3, …,
etc. The shell with the quantum number 1 is the closest orbit to the nucleus.
These are also referred to as orbits K, L, M, N, etc. Usually the shells closest to
the nucleus are filled first. The number of electrons each shell is filled is given by
. Thus, shell K is filled with 2, shell L with 8, shell M with 18, and shell N
with 32 electrons. Electrons that orbit in the outermost shell of an atom are called