518 IVb. Heat Transfer: Forced Convection
IVb. Forced Convection
In Chapter IVa we often used the convection boundary condition to determine
temperature distribution in such cases as fuel rods, fins, and multi-dimensional
solids. However in all such cases, the heat transfer coefficient, h was specified.
Our primarily goal in this chapter is to find the heat transfer coefficient for a given
set of conditions. As we shall see, the magnitude of the heat transfer coefficient
depends on such factors as the type of fluid, the flow velocity, and the type of ap-
plication. The type of fluid in turn defines such fluid properties as viscosity, den-
sity, thermal conductivity, and specific heat. Flow velocity is a key parameter,
which is used in conjunction with temperature to determine the flow regime, being
laminar or turbulent. Finally, the type of application determines whether flow is
external such as flow over flat plates, cylinders, and spheres or internal such as
flow inside conduits. The immediate application of the heat transfer coefficient is
in finding the temperature distribution and the rate of heat transfer to or from a
substance. In this chapter we exclusively deal with forced convection heat trans-
fer. The characteristic of this heat transfer mode is the fact that the flow of fluid is
due to the operation of a pump, a compressor, or the rapid movement of an object
in the flow filed.
1. Definition of Forced Convection Terms
Newton’s law of cooling is the result of applying the Isaac Newton’s sugges-
tion in 1701 that if a body is placed in a medium at a lower temperature, then the
rate of change of temperature of the body is proportional to T
– T
where T
this relation is the temperature of the colder medium. Since the rate of change of
temperature of the body is also proportional to the rate of heat transfer from the
body, we may then conclude:
TThq −=
where h, the proportionality factor is known as heat transfer coefficient. To be
consistent, we replace T
with T
where subscript s represents a surface such as a
flat plat or the wall of a conduit.
Thermal boundary layer over a flat plate develops whenever there is a tem-
perature difference between a surface and the fluid flowing over the surface. The
hydrodynamic boundary layer and the associated velocity profile for flow of a vis-
cous fluid over a flat plate are shown in the left side of Figure IVb.1.1. Develop-
ment of a similar boundary layer, for a case where the flat plate is hotter than the
fluid, is shown in the right side of Figure IVb.1.1. The viscous forces are domi-
nant in the hydrodynamic boundary layer resulting in a velocity profile as shown
in the figure. Similarly, a temperature gradient exists in the thermal boundary
layer. At the edge of the boundary, both velocity and temperature inside the
boundary layer reach 99% of the free stream velocity (V
) and temperature (T
), re-
spectively. Also at the edge of the boundary layer where y = δ, we find that