436 IVa. Heat Transfer: Conduction
tivity and larger surface area pose smaller resistance to the flow of heat. Con-
versely, the larger the distance between two regions of higher and lower tempera-
tures, the lower the rate of heat transfer. Thermal resistance in convection heat
transfer can also be obtained as R
= 1/(hA) where h is the heat transfer coeffi-
Contact resistance occurs in thermal conduction between two attached solids.
In such cases, there is always a gap between the two solids due to surface rough-
ness. The only exception is when surfaces in contact are mirror finished. In most
applications, the gap between the two surfaces of solids in contact is filled with
stagnant air, which is a poor conductor of heat. As a result, there is a thermal re-
sistance in addition to the heat conduction resistance for surfaces in contact. Ex-
pectedly, the contact resistance depends on both the pressure applied to the com-
posite solids and the fluid filling the gap. As a rough estimate, the contact
resistance may be taken into account by increasing the thickness of the solid with
lower thermal conductivity by about 0.2 in (5 mm).
Radiation heat transfer (
) refers to the exchange of thermal radiation be-
tween surfaces. Thermal radiation is the energy emitted due to the internal energy
of the surface, manifested as temperature. Unlike the conduction and convection
modes, radiation does not require a medium as the emitted energy is transported
by photons capable of traveling through perfect vacuum. The mean free path in
radiation heat transfer is very long compared with the diffusion mechanism since
photons travel in straight lines without colliding. The Stefan-Boltzmann law gives
the maximum rate of heat transfer radiated from a surface as
where T
is the absolute temperature of the surface and the Stefan-Boltzmann constant is
given as
= 0.1714E-8 Btu/h·ft
= 5.67E-8 W/m
. A surface exhibiting the
maximum rate of heat transfer is known as a black body. Real surfaces are those
that emit less energy by a factor of
, known as emissivity. The net radiation heat
flux between two surfaces, located in a radiationally non-participating medium, is
found from
In this equation,
is the surface emissivity and
is the temperature of surface 2, which encompasses surface 1. It is shown in
Chapter IVd that the net heat flux should be reduced by a view factor if only some
of the radiation leaving surface 1 reaches surface 2. While radiation heat transfer
is always present, at low temperatures it may become insignificant when com-
pared with the rate of heat transfer by forced convection mechanism. An example
of neutron and gamma radiations, which must be treated differently than thermal
radiation, is given in Section 5.5 of this chapter.
Steady state (S-S) conduction refers to a condition where temperature distribu-
tion in a substance does not change with time. As such, any heat added to the sub-
stance or internally produced in the substance is transferred away from the sub-
stance. Selection of insulation to minimize heat loss from a piping system
carrying superheated steam is based on a steady state analysis. Similarly, design
of fins or extended surfaces to maximize the rate of heat dissipation from elec-
tronic devices or air-cooled engines involves steady state application of the con-
duction heat transfer. Steady state operation of a nuclear core implies that the rate