IV. Heat Transfer
The processes that a given control volume may go through were discussed in
chapters on thermodynamics and fluid flow. We showed that to find the condi-
tions at the end of a process, given specified conditions at the beginning of the
process, we should use the conservation equations of mass, momentum, and en-
ergy in conjunction with the equation of state. In most cases, the rate of heat
transfer to or from a control volume is not known, thus it must be determined from
a constitutive relation. The topic of heat transfer helps us identify the applicable
mode of heat transfer and provides us with the constitutive relation, which corre-
lates temperature to the rate of heat transfer.
There are three modes of heat transfer; conduction, convection, and radiation.
Conduction is more pronounced in solids and stems from molecular diffusion due
to an existing temperature gradient. The radiation mechanism is less understood.
In certain conditions, radiation can be explained according to wave mechanics and
in other situations according to quantum mechanics. Radiation heat transfer ap-
plies to solids, liquids, and gases. On the other hand, convection is solely due to
the bulk motion of a fluid, transferring heat in the process. As such, convection
heat transfer is pertinent only to fluids. Convection heat transfer is the dominant
mode not only in single-phase but also in two-phase flow such as heat transfer as-
sociated with phase change in boiling and condensation. As discussed in Chap-
ter I, the constitutive relation in heat conduction, heat convection, and thermal
radiation is known as Fourier’s law, Newton’s law of cooling, and the Stefan-
Blotzmann law, respectively.
IVa. Conduction
The goal of studying conduction heat transfer is to determine the temperature dis-
tribution within a substance and the rate of heat transfer to or from the substance.
The entire topic of conduction heat transfer is based on the energy equation as de-
rived in Chapter III. Fortunately, in conduction heat transfer, the energy equation
can be significantly simplified due to the absence of such terms as the rate of work
performed by pressure forces and the rate of work performed by viscous forces.
In most cases, change in stagnation energy due to convection is also absent. As
shown later in this chapter, the elimination of these terms allows the use of ana-
lytical solutions in closed form for certain classes of problems.
In this chapter, following the introduction of pertinent terms, we first derive the
heat conduction equation in its general form. We then discuss the concept of
lumped parameter versus one-, two-, or three-dimensional analysis. The primary