1. Steady Internal Compressible Viscous Flow
. Compressible Flow
1. Steady Internal Compressible Viscous Flow
In compressible fluids, changes in the fluid density due to the variation in pressure
and temperature may become significant and the treatment of the flow discussed
in the previous sections should be applied here with added vigilance. Due to the
complexity of the subject, flow of compressible fluids is generally divided into
three categories. These include, flow of gas, flow of two-phase mixture (such as
steam and water), and two-phase flow mixed with non-condensable gases. The
flow path may include a pipe, a Bernoulli obstruction meter (nozzle, thin-plate ori-
fice, and venturi), valves, fittings, and pipe breaks. Compressible fluids may en-
counter a phenomenon known as choked or critical flow. This phenomenon im-
poses an added constraint on the internal flow of compressible fluids and must be
considered in all of the above categories. Failure to do so results in gross errors in
the related analysis.
In this section, we study only the flow of gases in pipes, Bernoulli obstruction
meters, and pipe breaks. In all these cases, the compressible fluid is considered to
behave as an ideal gas undergoing such processes as isothermal, adiabatic, or isen-
tropic. In general, flow of gases in pipelines is associated with heat transfer and
friction. We therefore begin the analysis of steady, one-dimensional, internal flow
of compressible fluids in a variable area conduit with friction and heat transfer.
We then reduce the general formula to obtain the formulation for some specific
processes such as isothermal and adiabatic.
1.1. Compressible Viscous Flow in Conduits
To derive the general formula for one-dimensional flow of ideal gases with fric-
tion and heat transfer, we consider the one-dimensional flow of a compressible
fluid in the variable area conduit of Figure IIIc.1.1. At any location x from the en-
trance to the conduit, the flow field is defined by four parameters P(x), T(x), V(x),
(x). To determine these parameters, we use continuity, energy, and momen-
tum equations as well as the equation of state written for differential control vol-
ume A(x)dx. Using the mass, momentum, and energy at steady state conditions
entering the control volume at x, we find the mass, momentum and energy at x
+dx by Taylor’s series expansion. The continuity equation becomes d(
VA) = 0.
The energy equation for steady state, no shaft work, negligible changes in poten-
tial energy, and no internal heat generation becomes
dq = c
dT + VdV IIIc.1.1
where the first term on the right side represents the change in enthalpy from x to
x + dx. The net momentum flux at steady state is equal to the summation of forces
ing on the control volume:
=−− )/(4 IIIc.1.2