4. Steady Incompressible Viscous Flow in Piping Systems 329
Flow Velocity (ft/s)
Throat Diameter (in)
P = 5 psi
= 6 in
Having solved the problem, we now want to find how the throat diameter changes
with flow or with pressure drop. Intuitively, we know that for given D
and ∆P,
the larger the flow rate, the larger the throat diameter. This is because pressure
drop increases with flow velocity. That lessens demand on the thin-plate orifice
for pressure drop. Conversely, for given flow velocity and pipe inside diameter,
the higher the pressure drop (∆P), the smaller the throat diameter. These are
shown in the above plots.
Problems involving flow in single-path systems and the Bernoulli obstruction
meters can be easily solved by using the software on the accompanying CD-ROM.
4.4. Flow in Compound Conduits
In common practice, pipes of different lengths and diameters are connected via re-
ducers and enlargers. This constitutes a serial-path system as shown in Fig-
ure IIIb.4.8(a). For example, the riser of a containment spray system consists of a
serial flow path. On the other hand, pipes may be connected at both ends to a
common plena, or header, such that flow entering the inlet plena is divided be-
tween the pipes. This constitutes a system with parallel flow paths. There are two
types of parallel flow path systems. In the first type, flow is mixed only at the
inlet and exit plena, as shown in Figure IIIb.4.8(b). We refer to this type as closed
parallel flow path. This is the type that we study in this chapter. In the second
type, flow is also intermixing between various flow paths. For example, the fuel
assemblies of a BWR core constitute a closed parallel path system where flow is
mixed in the lower plenum prior to entering the core and in the upper plenum after
leaving the core. On the other hand, the core of a PWR consists of many open
parallel flow paths where flows are mixed due to the existing cross flow between
the subchannels, having lateral communication.
We now compare the hydraulic characteristics of the serial and closed parallel
path systems with respect to flow rate and pressure drop. For simplicity, we refer
to the closed parallel flow path as parallel flow path.