344 IIIb. Fluid Mechanics: Incompressible Viscous Flow
path systems. Transient or unsteady fluid flow is due to the departure from steady
state and stagnation conditions. Changing the flow area, such as throttling of a
regulating valve or the speed of an operating pump would induce flow transients.
Other examples of flow transients include pipe ruptures, loss of power to pumps,
and actuation of safety and relief valves. Flow transients can be divided into two
categories. The first category includes slow transients also referred to as rigid
column theory. In these types of transients, the assumption is that the entire body
of fluid moves as a rigid body. Also the liquid is assumed to be incompressible
and the conduit carrying the liquid fully rigid. Hence, any disturbance in the me-
dium is propagated instantly throughout the system.
The second category includes fast transients when there is a rapid change in
flow velocity or fluid density. Analysis of fast transients is more complicated than
the analysis of slow transients. This is because the compressibility of the fluid and
the elasticity of the conduit containing the fluid must be accounted for. Although
in many applications liquids may be treated as incompressible, in reality even liq-
uids possess some degree of compressibility. Mathematically, problems involving
slow transients can be solved with ordinary differential equations while the analy-
sis of fast transients includes solution to partial differential equations as pressure,
),( trP
and velocity, ),( trV
are in general functions of both space and time. This
type of transient is known as waterhammer or elastic analysis.
In discussing slow transients, we study such topics as transients in flow loops,
time to fill drained pipelines, and time to empty vessels. We start with simpler ex-
amples of unsteady flow involving the application of the momentum equation.
We then analyze waterhammer in the fast transient category. Employing Equation
IIIa.3.38, we study two types of slow transients. The first type includes problems
for which we may ignore the viscous effects of the incompressible fluid. The sec-
ond type includes the unsteady flow of incompressible viscous flow. We start
with the unsteady flow of incompressible inviscid fluids.
6.1. Unsteady Flow of Internal Incompressible Inviscid Flow
We apply Equation IIIa.3.39 for incompressible inviscid flow along the stream-
lines to a few examples, assuming the working fluid can be treated as an ideal
Time To Reach Steady-State Flow Rate
Consider a large reservoir discharging water through a small hole, as shown in
Figure IIIb.6.1(a). In this case, the first term of Equation IIIa.3.39 is negligible
hence we may use the Bernoulli equation at steady-state condition between
points 1 and 2. Noticing that in a large reservoir, water velocity is zero everywhere
except at the hole, we get (See Example IIIa.3.16)
h2)( gV =
Therefore the mass flow rate is calculated as: