338 IIIb. Fluid Mechanics: Incompressible Viscous Flow
versa. A node may be connected to a boundary. There are two types of bounda-
ries namely, pressure boundary and flow boundary. Mathematically, these serve
as boundary conditions for the related differential equations. Flow boundaries are
of two types. A source-flow boundary, which supplies fluid to the network, and a
sink-flow boundary to which the nodal fluid flows. The sink fluid boundary is
also referred to as an output.
The goal is to find the steady-state nodal pressures and inter-nodal flow rates.
The boundary condition, generally include the output flow rates and either input
flow rate to or nodal pressure at the inlet of the network. In this example there are
15 unknown nodal pressures and 22 unknown branch flow rates. We have also 15
continuity equations and 22 inter-nodal momentum equations. There are 8 flow
boundary conditions (at nodes 1, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, and 15). Of these, the flow to
node 1 is the supply flow and the rest are output flows.
To solve piping network problems, we seek simultaneous solution to a set of
continuity and momentum equations. The continuity equation is written for each
node and the momentum equation for each branch. Therefore, we obtain a set of
coupled non-linear differential equations, which are solved iteratively. In this
chapter we discuss three methods. The first two methods, known as Hardy Cross
and Carnahan method, are applicable to steady incompressible flow. The third
method, developed by Nahavandi, applies to both steady-state and transient in-
compressible flow. We discuss the first two methods here and leave the discus-
sion about the Nahavandi method to the transient flow analysis discussion in Sec-
tion 6.
The Hardy Cross Method
This method applies only to incompressible fluids, flowing under steady state and
isothermal conditions. In this method, the algebraic summation of all flow rates
associated with a node is set equal to zero. This results in as many equations as
the number of nodes. The reason for setting the summation of all flow rates asso-
ciated with a node equal to zero is that at steady-state, the conservation equation
for mass written for each node resembles the Kirchhoff’s law as applied to electric
circuits. According to the Kirchhoff’s law, the algebraic summation of nodal elec-
tric currents (flow rates) must be equal to zero:
where N is the number of branches stemming from a node, j is an index represent-
ing a branch to node i. In Figure IIIb.5.1, for example, N is equal to 15.
To find the flow distribution in the piping networks by the Hardy Cross
method, an initial best estimate is used to allocate flow rates to each loop compris-
ing the piping network. We then set the algebraic summation of the flow rates in
each loop equal to zero. Then a correction to the flow rate in each loop is applied
to bring the net flow rate into closer balance. Consider the piping network of Fig-