240 IIIa. Fluid Mechanics: Single-Phase Flow Fundamentals
servation equations of mass, momentum, and energy are applied to an infinitesi-
mal element of the flow field. These three differential equations are then inte-
grated over the specific region of interest with specified boundary conditions pe-
culiar to that region. The integrated equations in conjunction with the thermo-
dynamic equation of state provide sufficient number of equations to find such key
flow parameters as pressure, temperature, velocity, and density. The advantage of
the differential analysis is the detailed information it provides about the region be-
ing analyzed. This includes distribution of pressure and velocity in the flow field.
The disadvantage of this method is the intensive computational efforts required for
solving the problem. This is due to the fact that, except in special cases, analytical
solutions in closed form cannot be obtained hence, seeking numerical solutions is
inevitable. Depending on the extent of details desired, such numerical solutions,
even with today’s computational abilities, remain labor intensive and are used
only if no other method provides the required information.
In integral analysis, a control volume of finite size is assigned to the region of
interest and the three conservation equations are applied. These equations already
include the boundary conditions. The advantage of this method is the ease in set-
ting up and solving the integral equations. The obvious disadvantage is the loss of
details within the control volume. However, depending on the case being ana-
lyzed, the analyst may not require such details, average values representing the re-
gion may be quite sufficient.
Finally, in dimensional analysis we try to find relevant dimensionless parame-
ters without knowing the related differential equations. In this chapter we discuss
only the integral and the differential analyses.
3.1. Integral Analysis of Conservation Equations
This method is applied to control volumes with finite size. We take advantage of
the Lagrangian approach to set up the conservation equations and by using the
Eulerian approach, we then convert these equations to suit fluid flow applications.
Since the Lagrangian approach is applied to a closed system (an entity having a
constant mass), the Reynolds transport theorem is used to relate the rate of change
of properties of the system to that of a control volume. As was discussed in Chap-
ter IIa, if Y represents an extensive property of a system, then y represents the in-
tensive property so that y = dY/dm. According to the Reynolds transport theo-
, we can write:
where dV is the differential volume and dS is the differential surface area encom-
passing the control volume. As was discussed in Section 2, the left side in Equa-
This theorem is derived in Chapter VIIc from the general transport theorem and the Leib-
nitz rule for the differentiation of integrals. See Equation VIIc.1.31 for the Reynolds
transport theorem as applied to a fixed control volume.