230 IIIa. Fluid Mechanics: Single-Phase Flow Fundamentals
tension (
) acting on the perimeter, 2
R. Thus, the surface tension becomes
R = ∆PR/2.
Bulk modulus is an indication of the fluid compressibility (i.e., density varia-
tion within a flow) and is defined as E
= dP/(d
). High values of bulk modulus
indicate the fluid is nearly incompressible. Liquids have generally high bulk
modulus hence, liquids, for most practical purposes, can be considered incom-
pressible. Per above definition, the bulk modulus has the same dimensions as
pressure. In British Units it can generally be written as psi and in SI units as Pa.
Speed of sound is a measure of propagation of disturbances in a fluid. The
speed of sound is related to the fluid properties in which the disturbance is propa-
gating. This relationship is expressed as
ddPc /= . It can be shown that for
ideal gases undergoing an isentropic process, the speed of sound is given as
= where T is the absolute temperature of the fluid and
= c
. The
ratio of the speed of an object to the speed of sound in the same medium as that of
the object is called the Mach number (Ma). If Ma is less than, equal, or greater
than 1.0, the object is moving at a subsonic, sonic, or supersonic speed,
Streamlines are useful in relating the fluid flow velocity components to the ge-
ometry of the flow field. A streamline is defined as the line drawn tangent to the
velocity vector at each point in a flow field. By definition, there is no flow across
a streamline.
Steady and unsteady flows depend on the frame of reference. In the Eulerian
approach, as described in Section 2, if flow at every point in the fluid is independ-
ent of time, then the flow is steady, otherwise it is unsteady (Figure IIIa.1.5).
Laminar and turbulent flows are applicable only to viscous fluid flow and are
identified based on the streamlines. The laminar or purely viscous flow moves
along laminas or layers. In laminar flow, there is no microscopic mixing of adja-
cent fluid layers. Turbulent flow has velocity components with random turbulent
fluctuations superimposed on their mean values. The Reynolds number, after Os-
borne Reynolds (1842-1912), is a dimensionless variable whose value determines
whether flow is laminar or turbulent. The Reynolds number is defined as Re =
where in this relation ∆ is an element of length. For flow over a flat plate
for example,
∆ = L and for flow inside pipes, ∆ = D where D is the pipe diameter.
For external flow over flat plates, flow remains laminar as long as Re < 5E5 and
for internal flow inside conduits flow remains laminar as long as Re
≤ 2000.
Turbulent flow viscosity is of two types; molecular,
as defined earlier, and
eddy as defined in Chapter IIIb. The molecular viscosity of Newtonian fluids is
independent of location, boundaries, and the flow regime (i.e., laminar or turbu-
lent). The eddy viscosity on the other hand depends on all of these factors.