4. Charging and Discharging Rigid Volumes
Having vapor pressure and relative humidity, we can find the humidity ratios. For
air entering the tower P
= 0.35(0.43) = 0.15 psia. For air leaving the tower, P
0.95(0.69) = 0.65 psia. Therefore,
= 0.622(0.15)/(14.7 – 0.15) = 0.00641. Similarly,
= 0.622(0.65)/(14.7 – 0.65) = 0.0287.
Substituting in Equation IIc.4.8, we get:
1E8(77.98 63.01)
57E6 lbm/hr
(0.0287 1100.8 0.0064 1094.3) (0.0287 0.0064)38 0.171(90 75)
×−× − − + −
Substituting in Equation IIc.4.6, we find
(0.0287 0.0064)57E6 1.3E6 lbm/hr.m =− ≈
Thermal Design of Containment
The containment building is the last barrier against release of radioactive materials
to the environment in the case of a hypothetical accident. There are several types
of containments, the design of which depends on the type of the nuclear reactor
and the architect engineer. For example, to deal with thermalhydraulic loads,
BWR containments are equipped with a suppression pool while some types of
PWR containment utilize large blocks of ice. Figure IIc.4.4 shows the schematic
of a PWR large, dry containment. With respect to thermalhydraulic loads, PWR
containments should withstand the consequences of two types of postulated acci-
dents; a loss of coolant accident (LOCA) and a main steam line break (MSLB). A
LOCA refers to a primary side pipe break of the hot or the cold leg, such as a dou-
ble-ended guillotine break at location a-a in Figure IIc.4.4, for example. A MSLB
refers to rupture of the main steam line inside the containment such as a double-
ended guillotine break at break location b-b. The LOCA and MSLB are referred to
as design basis accidents.
The PWR containment analysis for both LOCA and MSLB requires two key
inputs, mass flow rate and enthalpy of the fluid flowing through the break into the
containment. We analyze containment in both the design phase and during opera-
tion. In the design phase, our intention is to find the free volume, that can ac-
commodate the mass and energy transfer so that the peak pressure and temperature
are kept below the specified design limits. During operation, containment analysis
is required subsequent to any modification that may impact the containment re-
sponse to above postulated accidents. During plant operation, we therefore seek
containment peak pressure and temperature for given free volume.
A containment building, or simply containment, is generally equipped with ac-
tive safety systems such as spray and air coolers to provide a heat sink in the case
of an accident. The containment structure and internals also absorb a substantial
amount of energy during an accident, thus they are referred to as passive heat
sinks. In the case of the containment structure, some heat is also transferred to the
surroundings through the primer, paint, steel liner plate, and the one meter thick
concrete wall. The heat source for the containment depends on the postulated ac-
cident and the reactor type. For a LOCA, the heat source includes the latent heat