Thin Film Nucleation, Growth, and Microstructural Evolution 555
film material, the flux J and kinetic energy E of species incident at the growing surface, the
growth temperature T
, the flux of contaminants, and the substrate material, surface
cleanliness, crystallinity, and orientation.
The kinetic energy of the incident flux during film growth by thermal evaporation, for which
E ∼ 100–200 meV, is determined by the temperature of the evaporant source. In contrast,
typical average sputtered atom ejection energies range from 5 to 10 eV, which is of the order
of, or higher than, bond energies in solids. In addition, energetic ions and fast atoms
neutralized and reflected from the target during plasma or ion-beam sputter deposition have
been shown to be useful in controllably altering the composition, chemistry, and structure of
as-deposited layers through trapping, preferential sputtering, enhancing adatom mobilities,
and dynamic collisional mixing [1–13].
This chapter is organized in the following manner. Section 12.2 deals with nucleation and the
early stages of film growth. Thermodynamic and kinetic models are developed in Sections
12.2.1 and 12.2.2, respectively, and compared with experimental results. Three-dimensional
(3D), two-dimensional (2D), and Stranski–Krastanow (S-K) ‘quantum dot’ growth modes are
discussed sequentially in Sections 12.2.3, 12.2.4, and 12.2.5. Microstructure development is
reviewed in Section 12.6, beginning with elemental films and their classification by structure
zone diagrams (Section 12.6.1), then moving to multicomponent and multiphase film growth
(Section 12.6.2). The chapter ends with a discussion of the role of low-energy ion irradiation
(Section 12.6.3) for manipulating the dynamics of structural (and physical property)
development including defect formation/annihilation, surface roughening/smoothening
mechanisms, the evolution of preferred orientation, and synthesis of self-organized 3D
nanostructures with unique properties.
12.2 Nucleation and the Early Stages of Film Growth
Nucleation on a substrate surface corresponds to a phase transition in which vapor or liquid
phase atoms are deposited to coverages θ yielding sufficiently high 2D spreading pressures
that local density fluctuations in the 2D gas give rise to the formation of stable clusters
(nuclei). ‘Stable’ in this sense refers to clusters which have a higher probability to grow than to
dissociate. There are three primary modes of film growth on substrates [14, 15], as illustrated
schematically in Figure 12.1. During 3D, or Volmer–Weber, island growth, stable clusters
develop into 3D islands which in turn coalesce to form a continuous film. This type of growth
occurs when the adatoms are much more strongly bound to each other than to the substrate as
is often the case for metal films on insulators or contaminated substrates (weakly interacting
film/substrate interfaces with high interfacial energy densities). 2D layer-by-layer, or
Frank–van der Merwe, growth corresponds to the case in which adatom–adatom binding
energies are equal to, or less than, those between the adatoms and the substrate. In addition to
the obvious case of homoepitaxy on a clean substrate, there are numerous examples of 2D